In internet slang, particularly on "Leftbook" and Twitter, used to express shock at an abhorrent or morally backwards political opinion.
"Gentrification is good because it will finally get everyone on welfare out of the city"

"The biggest problem with "Into the Spider-Verse" is that Spiderman is black"
by sailor titan January 3, 2019
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Saying this makes you 100% white
by minecraftsquadlit July 15, 2018
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Yiking is a dance similar to twerking because the just of it is gyrating your body. Yiking is when the female dips and rolls her body, and also swivels her butt from side to side. Meanwhile the guy holds her hips and grinds on her backside, it's usually done at clubs or parties more popular on the EastCoast than WestCoast and is much more difficult than it sounds. Overall if you know how to do it well, safe to safe that Undercover Freak status clearly exist.
Example: Suzie was yiking on Bob at the party last night, they were getting it in.
by Ty_Kiloni August 26, 2014
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a word used by people who have nothing substantial to contribute to the conversation. Something a tad more impactful and conversation stimulating is encouraged to be in the place of this word.

PERSON- wow, my mother just died.
Yiker- yikes
PERSON- is that it? wow, my mom just died dick head!
by bobbiebum January 20, 2019
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something you shout when you overhear something drastic
girlfriend: honey do you know whens my birthday? boyfriend: i forgot random guy: yikes!
by jonathan92c March 17, 2008
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Yo Chad, holla on the reciprocal and we'll get yiked on the deep end brutha.
by B-radical69 January 30, 2014
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A new viral dance that started on It is done to the dance rednose by Sage the Gemini. It usually consists of a boy and girl, but can be done with girl on girl. The dance is like having sex but with clothes on. the girl swivels her hips and ass on the Guys or girls pelvis. The guy or girl leading the dance grabs the girls hips and controls the hip movement in some cases. Look up The Yike on youtube if you need visuals. Its similar to twerking but on someone.
Booty, sex, twerk, yike
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