The maximum level of knowledge attainable by people who are too ignorant to get the gist of it.
"I've got the just of it" said the manager, proving that nepotism doesn't lead to hiring the best and brightest.
by Caverdog December 12, 2016
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to gain suffient knowledge on a certain subject
"i believe paige has got the just of it." says sakku kakku.
"yes, she knows whats up!" exclaimed britney.
by awtistic boy18 April 13, 2008
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Barely Legal. Taken from two definitions of the word Just.

Definition 1: Barely; by a narrow margin; within a brief period of time; only; merely

Definition 2: Legal; legitimate; guided by justice; in accordance with standards; right; lawful; proper
Man 1: “You’d better stay away from her, or you’ll end up in jail!”
Man 2: “No worries, I checked her out. She’s Just Just!”
by Politic Ric June 2, 2010
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To have your spirit and physical being crushed into a state of submission. To have your life ruined beyond repair.
American men tend to get justed hard after a divorce.
by bigguyforyou4221 December 30, 2017
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A TPOT team name that was chosen accidentally
Yeah, we’re Just Not
by TPOTFAN February 7, 2021
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Buying into a coin at the ATH and then u brendan fraiser into crying jordan - JUSTed
by BUY_INTO_GEMS_ICO January 10, 2018
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This Just In is a phrase told by anchormen when an important piece of news has just arrived while on the air.
by Hamidj21 November 23, 2015
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