To let someone know there is a person of authority nearby e.g a teacher.
by CFK72 September 13, 2022
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Check out those yabs over there,


aye she's a yab
by yabab July 15, 2011
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The Art of sex through the nostril.
"I fancy going yabbing" "Rob was getting Yabbed by Chris"
by metaljack August 11, 2006
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(Y)ou (A)re (B)anned.

Also my sexual god.
Yab gave drkay and DouXXX teh BuTTsEcKz11!1!1
by Teh Panda January 12, 2004
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(Your Average Blond) A fair-haired woman who is simply average to proper male standards.
I approached that group, but it was all yabs... a total yabbage cabbage.
by chaggy October 22, 2008
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1.) You're a bitch.
2.) Can be combined for more emphasis to say you're a bitch.
1.) Guy 1: You're an idiot.
Guy 2: Yab.
Guy 1: Hey. That's not nice.

2.) Guy 1: You're an idiot.
Guy 2: Yabyabyab.
Guy 1: Woah. Uncalled for dude.
by retardedmonkeys December 9, 2010
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General chav terminology for an expression which is directly descendant of the less known phrase: "I'll rip your f**king head off" - For any chavs out there, this in turn would translate to: "Yu fukkenn wattz m8, gunner bringh da fooken kreww m8, $mach u downn, blined yu wid da BLING m8". If a non-chav is met with such exclamation, one should reply with the statements: "kk." or "got 20p mate?".

Also a polish burger, made mainly from goats oesophagus.
Johnty Williams IV "How is sir on this fine day, may I ask?"
Young deliquent: "FUUUKEN YAB M8"

Janice: "I'm quite enjoying this meal."
Arnold Schwarzenegger: "Yes. This yab is filled full of membranous goodness"
by Nose February 16, 2006
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