a guy that has the incredible idea to write and create defenitions and new words
hi guys my name is Miguel and i'm a German Worder
by the German Horse Worder September 25, 2021
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A verb used to describe people who invent words and sentences.
It is most commonly done by people that go on Urban dictionary, makeup words or phrases to gain internet fame.
Guy 1: You've been wordering words the whole day
Guy 2: Shut up. It's for Reddit to enjoy
by Hot Gay Seals March 16, 2020
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A four word insult that is thought of off the top of ones head and usually has profanity or sexual content.

These are often used in events similar to the yo mamma fight
Cum guzzling anal torquer, and Cock-juggling thunder cunt are both examples of four-worders
by Lord Damon Achuine March 8, 2009
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This is easy!
An Urban Worder is a person who goes onto Urbandictionary.com and sits here trying to think of and even being successful at thinking of and finding words that can go onto the site.

Hence anyone whose probably reading this.
Person1: Yea, he just sits there thinking of things to go on there. He's such a Urban Worder.
by OrgyGlowstix August 4, 2008
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