The last name of an alias used when checking into a seedy hotel. The first name of the Alias is usually Richard
"Hi I called ahead and reserved a room by the hour under the name Woodcock, first name Richard
by peddyr March 31, 2008
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1. A person who makes racket at the slightest provocation, is easily excitable and pulls a variety of silly faces for little reason.
2. Getting a splinter in your dick.
"That Annie is such a woodcock, especially if Neighbours is on."

"Man, last night, slid along the unvanished floor and ended up getting woodcocked."
by I Love Tarquin February 10, 2008
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1. Winner

2. A man with an unusually large and hard penis
3. A bird (get your mind out of the gutter) that walks slowly along the forest floor, probing the soil with its long bill in search of earthworms. Unlike its coastal relatives, this plump little shorebird lives in young forests and shrubby old fields across eastern North America.
1. A chant to be yelled after one has defeated an opponent at any such tournament; "Woodcock means Winner!". Often times used as the team name so that the team may later chant: "Woodcock! Woodcock! Woodcock!"
3. "That guy I hooked up with last night had the biggest woodcock I've ever seen!"
2. Look at the cute woodcock with its long beak scavenging for food!
by PubCrawler March 20, 2015
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Someone who gives inappropriate sex advice to underage kids.
You told that little boy to not wear condoms when having sex? Dude, you're such a woodcock!
by SomeoneResponsible April 9, 2010
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come on wood and cock in the same name what needs to be said
wood hard and funny cock funny and hard woodcock
by pdx drinkers August 3, 2006
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1. (adj.) used to show resentment towards a person, object or task.

2. (v.) the act of persuading your wife to let you get a purple pool table (refer to the Television series 'Til Death)
Maia: We have a test tomorrow and 3 assignments in English Class.
Alyssa: Are you freakin' woodcocking me right now?!?!
Skye Skye: HAHA! I get the reference. LOL XD!!!!111!!!!
by Minnie the Muncher November 17, 2013
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pretty much a god. a bran d on woodcock is not only great in the sack, but he carries a large pecker to boost. he also is a loving man and will make you laugh your arse off
i was over at my buddys house the other day and all i could hear was his girl moaning all night..... he is such a bran d on woodcock
by samsungsinger45 January 5, 2012
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