Used as a sort of comeback at a persons question that is either considered stupid or has an easy answer.

This is also used when a someone asks a question that you do not understand or do not know how to explain
Person 1: "dude, how is that even spelt?"
Person 2: "ugh, what even is ballet?"
by Yaoihands September 2, 2014
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Random dude: hey gaiz i jus cught diglet snorlax went boom ate too much kickz lolz

Other dude: what is this i dont even
by ryanxwonbin August 27, 2008
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When something is so shocking/meaningless/senseless/retarded/random/etc, that you're left absolutely speechless.
Joe: Let's see what's good on /b/ today...
Joe: What is this i don't even
by MugenXS April 7, 2009
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An phrase used (usually on the internet) when something is so mind-blowingly stupid that you don't even have words to describe it.

Also used to indicate confusion.

Also see wat.
hitler4EVAR114: Has anyone ever been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

inoscopedjfk69: what is this I don't even
by Luthian November 2, 2011
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A popular cyberspace term and joke phrase that is said when someone else utters something totally stupid or useless/senseless.
Jeff: "Hey, Jake, I just went so far as to take the monkey and what what what are you gonna do about that! Jake look at this! Satan! DEATH TO THE WEIRD!"

Jake: What is this I don't even
by Duke R Pennett March 12, 2010
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When a typical internet loser that knows nothing outside of dated internet memes doesn't understand what you're talking about, this is what they tell you.
What is this I don't even = This isn't one of the six memes I know, so it confuses and/or threatens me
by Downvoting Victim June 11, 2019
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Nothing is non existent because if nothing was real then it wouldn't be nothing. But, "Nothing", used as a pronoun subject, is the absence of a something or particular thing that one might expect or desire to be present or the inactivity of a thing or things that are usually or could be active.
person 1: hey

person 2: Hi!

person 1: What even is nothing

person2: uhh... I... whoah...what is nothing?

Being defined... "Nothing", used as a pronoun subject, is the absence of a something or particular thing that one might expect or desire to be present or the inactivity of a thing or things that are usually or could be active.

Now you can answer...
What even is nothing?
by Ash404 March 24, 2021
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