An ugly female friend who viciously defends her other female friends from engaging in conversation with any male. Traditionally either man-hating gay or profoundly ugly; there appear to be no male triceratops. Attacking is always suicidal. The tactic is generally to lure the friends away from the triceratops nest so that you can talk to them without being impaled. See also cock block.
Dude, I tried to approach the honeys but I can't get past that triceratops.
by Chief Bootysmackah June 1, 2004
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A relationship between three people, where all three people are equally involved in the relationship and get along harmoniously. These relationships can involve persons of any gender.
Woman 1 (to Woman 2): You're such a good girlfriend. :
Woman 3: What about me?
Woman 2: You're our girlfriend too.
Woman 1: Yeah, we're a triceratops.
by som3randomp3rson November 30, 2012
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A hairstyle bringing hair from both sides of the head to a zenith mid-cephalon; a hairstyle resembling the horn of the infamous dinosaur, the triceratops.
Sagar, what is that awesome hairstyle called? Oh, its a triceratops. NBD.
by Factbox February 26, 2011
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A sexual position involving vaginal penetration with the penis, and then double-fisting into the woman's ass. So-named because the configuration of hands and penis resembles the layout of the three horns of a Triceratops - one of the most noteworthy fossil records of which was found outside Milwaukee , Wisconsin in 1994.
My man gave me a Milwaukee Triceratops, and now I can't sit down without pain.
by Nickf2019 June 26, 2019
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The sexual act of a man shoving not only his penis but his two testicles inside some opening of a woman's body.
The penis plus the balls make up the "triceratops".
I wrecked her with my beefy triceratops!!! So much beef, such little room. It took force.
by Darth Mader69 April 6, 2011
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Performing a violent hand job on the gentleman to your left and the gentleman to your right, all while throating a third gentleman in the middle. Basically a modified Angry Pterodactyl with a hands free tonsil punch.
A poem dedicated to our friend Fast Pat, because we know he can take a joke.

Reach to your left and grab Cody by the root.
Wrap your fingers around like you wanna play a flute.
Riggs is here now and he wants to play too.
Two at a time ain’t no challenge for you.
Hold up, you’re not done working.
There’s more to an Angry Triceratops than just a bunch of jerking.
Doty is on deck and he’s full to the rim.
He hasn’t had booger since booger had him.
So plant two lips and work down to the scrotum.
You’ve been dreaming of this ever since you know’d him.
Now get to beating, like those dicks owe you money.
Beat ‘em so angry, they start cummin’ runny.
Don’t forget the middle man, he’s not there for the show.
It’s all about suction, they just call it a blow.
Breathe through your nose and don’t stop till it pops.
Show us why you’re the best, Angry Triceratops.
by El Conquistador July 29, 2023
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Triceratops sex position is when your girl doggystyle on the bed, your under her with a finger in the anus, your wang in her thang, and a hand in her mouth, mimicking the Great Triceratops
Ben: Dude, sex last night was so good!!
John: What did you do?
Ben: I gave her the old Triceratops Sex Position, she was done in seconds!!
by Lord Xerxez January 26, 2018
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