the word "town" spoken in a geordie accent sounds like the slang term "toon." newcastle's football (soccer) fans are known as the "toon army" - this led to a sky sports presenter being fired recently for using a shockingly poor taste pun on "tsunami" which i'll not repeat here.
one geordie to another: "i'm off doon toon."
by myen_shi January 29, 2005
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a short form for cartoon.
It became a popular way to refer to a cartoon character in the 1981 Gary K. Wolf novel Who Censored Roger Rabbit?
e.g. toonami, toontune,
wanna watch a toon?
by toontune.editor May 23, 2008
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Shortened form of 'platoon', used most notably in Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game"
"I'll tell you how to get a toon. Prove to me you know what you're doing as a soldier. Prove to me you know how to use other soldiers. And then prove to me that somebody's willing to follow you into battle."
by launchie April 9, 2012
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1. A character that one creates in a video game. The origins of this term are unclear, but may be related to the second definition.

2. In the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988), an animated film performer who inhabits the human world but is not human (examples: Roger Rabbit, Jessica Rabbit). A shortened form of "cartoon."
I am going to roll a l33t axe toon.
by Puck March 17, 2004
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Another word for tool, clown, dip-shit, dufuss, dumb-ass, etc. etc.

Toon short for Cartoon.
That drunk toon over there just cut me off and almost caused an accident!

Shut the fuck up toon.
by Trey134 March 23, 2017
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Getting so high to where you feel like you're in a cartoon.
marijuana high tuned bong weed ganja turnt
Dude Adam we got so tooned last night of that fire weed
by Star_of_david February 16, 2016
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