big polynesian dudes, that will take over at your party and take your keg.
- every time I see a keg at Shorview park , I know someones party was crashed and their keg was taken.
by maze January 5, 2004
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The coolest race on earth, they could kick anyones butt and know how to party. They are a very proud people because they are the only islanders never to be conquered or colonized by foreigners although they have done much conquering themselves. Tongans are naturally strong and good at sports like rugby but can be fat and lazy when influenced in a negative way, but at the end of the day a tongan could destroy you without effort.
Guy #1: Wow dude, you are so cool! You must be tongan!
Tongan: You know it, we the coolest out there.
by TCG rules July 5, 2011
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big balky ployneans. fears nothing. gangstered out but go with god stonglly.
if you llike living dont mess with tongans
by Paulah SEL-C Hopoi August 2, 2005
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A race whose origination is still unknown (they either originate from South East Asia or South America, both of which have strong supporting evidence). Tongans have a huge history in which many of todays generation are unaware of with christianity accepted less than 200 years ago. Many Tongans could actually say three to five generations ago their elders were once powerful warriors or even chiefs. Tongans today are reaping the benefits of their parents or great grandparents hardship to find a life with better opprtunities overseas like New Zealand or Australia. Tongans need to realise the pain they went through for us. They came into New Zealand or elsewhere as working class men and worked their butts off for us to have quality education to live life in a less struggling and painful way.Many are in sport teams with some making the elite level of their specific sport like the NRL. Tongans have a lot of raw talent being naturally athletic whilst in their adolescent years are striving in sport. However they hardly have much motivation which stops them continuing when school finishes. But to change this is for them to change themselves. It would keep them focused and out of trouble.These polynesians are friendly and all they want is respect. Don't be taken aback when you see them because when they notice that, they will have a grudge against you.
You have to meet a Tongan to understand.
by MadBaggage January 29, 2012
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Tongans are huge motherfuckers from tonga. They can fuck people up if you mess wit them. Fucking mes with them and you won't see your face again.

Tongans are good at Rugby like most other polynesians.
Tongan Friend: Bro, you fucked up dat dude bad.

Tongan Boy: Yeh bro, he told me to get fucked so I fucked up his face.
by puaka baha August 27, 2008
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someone dumb, slow or delayed
the boy was was tongan when he was late for school
by Brad lad October 29, 2007
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Primative people that have escaped Tonga on a supply ships, have extemely large flat noses ,hence the reason why they don't have a problem with their stench they emit because their noses are so mutalated that they have only the slighest sense of smell, afro-styled hair, extremely large eyes and ears, overall a very large physique, most are morbid obease due to their canabalistic nature. Their intelligence seems underdeveloped. The Tongan language is digusting in nature, as to a non-Tongan speaking person it may sound like "groans, grunts as well as loud breathing". In comparison to the Samoan race, Tongans are stupid, ill-mannered and try to fight anyone who is smarter than them i.e. Everyone.
Keep well away from that boy Billy, he's a Tongan
by Monopoly April 20, 2006
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