Da wae; a wae only wae founders can found in Sanik’s lost world
Do you know Da wae?
Don’t lose da wae!
I can show you da wae.
by I’m da wae to go January 9, 2018
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The unknown holy grail that the warriors of Uganda relentlessly seek

(Outdated Meme)
This is da queen! She will show us all da wae!
by .&:&3&83 April 1, 2018
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A vision aimed to be achieved by ugandan knuckles. Da wae is achieved when finding the queen to show da wae. Da wae is most likely to be found on VR CHAT. You have have ebola to know da wae.
"Do you no da wae my brudda?

"No show me da wae my brudda."
by Ogolport Studios March 3, 2018
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This is a meme that has grown in popularity over the course of 2018. It is used commonly by a species of little red animals known as the Ugandan Knuckles. "Da wae" can have different meanings, depending on how it is used. "Da wae" can refer to the way to the queen, or the way to Uganda. It can also mean the way to discovering the meaning of life. In short, it is a viral meme revolving around Knuckles, my bruddah.
"Do you know da wae?"
"You do not know da wae. SPIT ON DEM!"
"We must find da wae."
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Literally the only words that normies and sixth graders know. If you hear someone say it, you need to get a new friend group
by Goddamnit James February 7, 2018
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One of 2018's first memes. Pretty stupid
by eners49 February 6, 2018
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An annoying term that 14 year old white boys use with their squeaky prepubescent voice.
by dank uretha January 13, 2018
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