Morning Star (verb)- is when one man/female take a their tightly puckered star shaped anus and places it on the nose of a sleeping victim.
"Man, you were so drunk last night i gave three morning stars one dry and two wet, ha"
by Drunk Monkey4305 March 23, 2010
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When your fresh shaved nuts grow back hair making yur nuggets extra spiky and prickly. Often stabbing you in the dick.
Oh shit! My morning star just stabbed my dick! *grabs balls to reposition them*
by Derik V September 4, 2008
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When a man masturbates up until almost ejaculating, slowly wakes up his gf/wife, yells "Morning!" and blows his load in her eyes. She'll be seeing stars all morning.
"So I heard Joe gave gave Suzzy some Morning Stars the other day, haven't heard from him since..."
by Lulzmazterr February 14, 2010
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Morning Star:

Original definition: a medieval weapon with a long wooden shaft that has a ball full of sharp spikes attached to the end.

Take a minute and Google search this before reading the next definition.

Modern definition: When a GOOD husband/father who works hard for his family and loves them gets fucked so bad after getting divorced it's as if he is getting fucked by a wooden shaft with spikes up his ass . In some states his wife can cheat on him and he still gets fucked. He loses almost everything he owns, pays spousal maintenance, and half of all his money and retirement is gone even though his ex-wife is very capable of having a career and being self-sufficient. She purposely bleeds him dry because she feels unreasonably entitled and plays the victim card but is completely full of fucking shit.
Bob asks his divorced friend John if he would ever get married again. John replies " If I want to get a Morning Star again I would hope to star on an internet porn site so I can make money getting fucked in the ass instead of paying an ex-wife to give me a Morning Star." Bob has no choice but to respond with "well said sir."

Men today do not want to get married because it is 99.9% certain they will get the Morning Star if they get divorced.
by Paulie Walnuts 762 October 21, 2019
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one of the best songs by AFI.
"i saw a star benith the stairs going through the melting walls.."
by desirae December 20, 2003
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When you wake up to someone's asshole in your face (mostly in the morning) and proceed to give them an aggressive rimming
*waking up*
Girl: *sits on Dude's face while sleeping*
Dude: "Ohhh, so you want a Morning Star, huh?"
by TonguePunchYaFartBox October 10, 2019
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1a: Rat- a small, omnivorous, usually disease carrying rodent.
1b: Morning star- a powerful club or mace.
1c: Rat Morning Star: a weapon/summoned monster forged from a dead rat tied to a stick and infused with Bankai energy, resulting in a 15' tall undead rat warrior with a giant pole attached to its tail.
Leo totally started kicking ass when he activated his Rat Morning Star! see also: Rat Flail
by aka_Pyro June 15, 2007
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