It's a good thing Janet Reno isn't still the attorney general.She would just be all like,"Fuck it,I'm sick of this Mexican standoff.Burn the building down."
Fuckin jack-booted thugs.
by Eric Cartman March 25, 2005
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A brain-damaged woman whose right-to-die case between her husband and her parents has been turned into another tawdry soap opera by the media and politicians — as well as a definition-turned-message board on Urban Dictionary featuring a non-so-civil debate between rabid conservative jackasses and elitist liberal jackasses.
by Ze neutral voice of reason March 25, 2005
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Terri Schiavo died like shortly after 9:00 AM on Tuesday, March 31st, 2005. She starved to death because her husband finally convinced the courts to order her feeding tube removed after 15 years.
Why is it that you people say we have no idea what she wants because she left no will, but you can say with certainty that there is "no doubt about" God being mad about this? Can you prove that God exists? Did he mail you a postcard saying "Hey, I'm a little pissed off about the whole Terri Schiavo thing, ya think you could stir up a bunch of shit on the internet for me? Love always, Dad." No.
by pseudonym. March 31, 2005
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A woman who is in the middle of a Conservative VS Liberal political football game.
This is one of the reasons why I am an Independent.
by Dr. Mengele March 26, 2005
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The woman that died in hospital because they pulled out her feeding tube.
Benedict: Hi Terry
Terry: umhumuh
Benedict: How much milk does your left tit contain:
Terry: uhmumum manaas
Benedict:Fucking retard bitch
Terry: uhmmmmmopoplaladododo
by whoooooooo May 7, 2005
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When someone is passed out drunk and is in a vegetable state of mind they are terry schiavoed. It should be the goal of all drinkers to get schiavoed at the end of the night.
Friend got very drunk, blacks out, not moving even when he is kicked, he can only mumble like terry schiavo.
by heraldo shawx April 18, 2006
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The biggest political issue to hit Florida since Elian Gonzalez.
These Jesus freaks and politicians refuse to realize that.

1. Her brains are mush.
2. She’s never going to have a life.
3. People stop eating days before they die.
by Dr. Mengele March 23, 2005
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