tayla: tayals are wonderful, but also realistic they remind you to use your filter and to watch what you say at times but it helps, they talk alot and even if something is not funny they make funny, taylas are usually good at water sports, tayla usually finds friends that are younger but golden and the younger ones care about taylas the most, taylas dont have very much emotion and need to show it at times, if you are friends with a tayla keep them close because they are the shoulder to cry on, the mind to talk to, and when you feel like jumping of a cliff they will save you. tayla if you reading this- please think about me more.
tayla I need you, tayla i love you
by sassysusan2002 March 20, 2018
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A young, brunette girl who has blue or brown eyes. Loves having fun and hanging with mates. Has a heart of gold. Loves music such as techno, rock, emo and house. Has pretty eyes, nice smile and a sexy body. Can have a short temper from time to time. Tends to dress herself down and prefers the comfy clothes. Respects everyone. Loves animals. An all round laid back chick.. Just dont piss her off.
You are looking so 'tayla' right now.

Dont go having a 'tayla' moment!
by Danielmcbean February 3, 2010
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She is young, blonde and beautiful. Tayla is artistic and fun, and she respects everyone. She is a sensitive and fair person which makes her kind. She wins the hearts of many men and woman due to her optimistic personality. She craves freedom so don't invade her personal space. Tayla values people who can be themselves and don't fall victim to peer pressure. Tayla became a popular girls name in the 90's.
"That girl is so gorgeous. Her name must be Tayla."
by twizard October 2, 2010
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Dark blonde hair, with the most amazing piercing greens eyes. Very random and weird, but always happy and laughing. Always there for people, can be the best friend and will never fail to make you laugh. Strong willed, optimistic and down to earth. Can be a bitch, but only for a very good reason, has a short temper. All round amazing girl with a burning passion to help and care for others, wanting to change the world for the better. Tayla is the substance everyone needs in their lives. Usually compatible with Niall.
It's such a Tayla thing
by T_P_l June 10, 2017
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Usually a pretty blonde girl, always happy and laughing. Big blue eyes and a gorgeous smile. Loves animal's and chocolate. Is usually nice to everyone, but watch out don't piss her off. She has a very short temper.
by blondey_789 July 22, 2010
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most beautiful girl in the world, my best friend, always happy, cute little blonde moments, bright blue eyes, cutest smile, really pretty but she doesn't think so, BEST BODY!! , tanned!, not very tall, loves playing Frizzle Fraz!,

her boyfriend should be lucky to have her, she is so amazing and im jelous of her. enough said!

love youuu! xxxxx,

love lauren! (;
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Tayla is always a beautiful girl, her appearance is just as amazing as what’s under her skin. She is young and small, she can often be seen as cute and innocent but when you get to know her you can see her rebellious side. She is on the good side of everyone, she often get’s swarmed by boys of similar age, but can kindly turn them down without hurting their feelings as she has lots of experience being so good looking. Tayla acts like she is unaware of her drawdropping appearance but must be blind if she thinks otherwise, she puts all her cards on the table in every new hobbie she try’s she succeeds in absolutely everything even though she may not realise. Tayla has an amazing future ahead of her and if she belongs to you you should definitely be happy, you will not find another girl quite like Tayla.
Tayla is faultless
by 56 Days October 30, 2017
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