Suraj is an extremely talented, loyal, and handsome individual. To close friends, he’ll appear cocky/confident which is mostly good (sometimes bad), but in reality, he is one of the must humble people you will ever meet. He will make you laugh, feel special and never leave you behind. He’s quite the attractive specimen, though so don’t feel too jealous
I wish I was as hot as Suraj.
Suraj gets all the girls!
by JennnyJenJen November 23, 2021
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Suraj is a large mammal which tends to fall asleep tyring to do anything... when i say anything it means anything...

Sometimes Suraj is also reffered to the Aangs sleepy bison, Appa, whch tends to wake up when yelled "Yip-yip"....

Alternately the word Suraj can also be used as " Sleep Monster".
"Hey Kumbhkaran wake up.. Don't be Suraj". said Ravana on his attemp to wake him.
by surjonnydepp June 12, 2011
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a slang term commonly used to describe a promiscuous male. A suraj is typically brazen and immoral, often observed making grandiose statements with no basis in reality.
Wow that guy is such a suraj, always shacking up with random girls and bragging about himself.
by Iwon July 7, 2009
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Suraj an indian man, boy or baby who is the son of gandhi and is a manager at 7/11
"Lol I just saw a Suraj at 7/11"

"Man he probably dosen't have a lambo"
by lil gui gui April 20, 2018
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Maybe chill, but very fake. Crazy Louie a T-Rex online but socially awkward in real life. Shifty and definitely a scammer. Experienced hacker.
Anonymous? Sound like a Suraj.
by FailingLife April 25, 2020
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suraj is...
- inlove with a beautiful girl
- loves fuzzy hair
- loves to cuddle
- is VERY attractive
- has a lot of friends
- nerd 0_0
- dresses sexy
- loved...
Damn i wish i was suraj like ;)
by liqour July 18, 2009
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like the sun, he is capable of brightening up anybodies day with his great sense of humor and ability to make u laugh in a split second.
Like the sun and rain; when tears come down, Suraj dries them up.
by the one January 7, 2005
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