Basically, the more proper word for motorboating. A tight grasp of a guy's head into a girl's boobs and then shaking violently left to right. Invented in Montreal, Canada.
Ugly girl: I don't understand, Pamela. How do you get so many guys to like you, without even trying?

Pamela: Easy. I just give 'em one of my signature squiggles.
by imms.32C&howudoin January 2, 2011
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The name often applied to the tilde (~) button on a keyboard.
www dot site dot com slash squiggle username
by Michael Fearn August 6, 2005
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Used to describe a female that enjoys participating in fellatious activities.
You see that squiggles over there? She gave me some bomb squigs!
by romedadome December 21, 2011
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A mixture between a squee and a giggle - usually used in fandom.
Dominic Monaghan is totally kissing a guy! Squiggle!
by Cassi S. May 19, 2005
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squiggle (verb): between a squirm and a wiggle
Sounds like: accross between a giggle and a squeel

by sez September 26, 2003
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Noun. A name referring to a special person that cares for you, watches out for you, and loves you.

Verb. Present-progressive form of Squiggles- or Squid-Wiggles
lol you are my Squiggles
-what is that?
look it up on Urban Dictionary
by PimpDaddy LongNutz January 20, 2011
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The Most Squiggliest Squiggles that ever Squiggled on the Squiggly planet that is Squigglesland.
To "OWN" ALL others is to be Squiggly. To own KOW PATT and Enduro| moreso.
by Squiggles February 26, 2004
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