A very classy, expensive, preppy, Vineyard Vines-wearing area in Westchester County, NY. It is along the same lines of Bedford in terms of wealth, with a slightly less well-known reputation. The pristine landscaping is beautiful, and everyone seems to know each other. The houses are too expensive and exclusive for anyone to afford, over $1,000,000 (and thats on the cheap end). Its filled with with either brand new multi-million dollar construction or huge old houses that look as great as ever. It lacks a hot spot such as Greenwich Ave, but its warmth and quaint-ness gives it the "cute, bedroom town" appeal. Everyone here is from super rich suburban catholic families consisting of both parents being either doctors, lawyers, or owners of an italian restaurant usually named after one of more members of the family. In some rare cases, the dad's dont even need to work, they are that secure. They usually vacation in Martha's Vineyard, Cape Cod, Myrtle Beach, or the Bahamas. The kids usually either get brand new Lexus's or Audi's, or receive the hand-me-down BMW that their dad recently gave them, which they drive every friday to the Westchester Mall to shop at stores like J.Crew. Unlike Scarsdale and Bronxville, most of these Somers kids are super smart, and work hard to do well in school, and dont fall into drugs and alcohol..which pays off because they go to some of the best colleges in the country. Somers adds not only wealth and beauty to Westchester, it offers a touch of class.
"She's super beautiful, classy, and smart..she must be from Somers. "

"He is such a gentleman, and even opened my car door for me on our date...he must live in those brand new mansions in Somers."

"When i get older, i want to live the most perfect preppy life, thats why i'm moving to Somers!"
by preppyturtle May 19, 2006
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N. A down to earth, loveable girl. usually with mental retardations of some kind. Best if pronounced with a lisp. (Thomer) Usually having brownish or blonde hair. Tends to like ugly men.
I love that girl Somer, but she is a real idiot!
by -- Golem August 5, 2011
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verb: to jew the living shit out of something
"wow, you really just somered the shit out that kid."

"dude, dont try and somer me."
by somer rodgers January 10, 2008
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A person, typically a college-aged student,with the propensity to consume vast/ungodly amounts of alcohol.
Yo man, that kid over there just challenged me to a drinking contest. I'm gonna tear him apart!
Naw man, I wouldn't if I were you...that tard is a Somers.
by Robes February 12, 2006
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A place in Westchester where the town high school is infested with “shot fucks” also referred to as “skels”, and “nerfs”. Somers kids have our own language where we use words like “ode”, “valid” , “deadass”, “yehurd”, “I’m deezed” etc. most kids overuse this to the point where u literally do not know what they are saying. Most kids are potheads or alcoholics, and if not they have never done anything of the sort and find it absoloultey revolting. We hate Yorktown even tho rocks is where everyone gets pods and last but not least we have our pride and joy, our baby, our heart and soul. Froggies.
Somers kid: “yo I’m deadass deezed to pull up but only if u let me cyph ur carti, i won’t fiend it tho I’m not shot I promise. Also my chiefer is broken and I have no yods so r u tryna cop some?”

Everyone else: “shut up”
by Yeeyee24 February 19, 2019
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Somere is a down to earth beautiful type of girl. Somere is usually making you laugh and is always down for a good game of truth or dare. If you come across a Somere make sure you keep her close. You won’t regret having a Somere in your life, even if she doesn’t date you.
Man, I wish Somere was here!”
by human thing September 19, 2018
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A girl whose parents didn't know how to spell Summer. A complete bitch. A moron who doesn't know her way and is annoying. She thinks that she's ahead of anyone, but really she's not. She's pathetic and she likes to bring up shit from long ago. She constantly harasses people over and over and has no disregard for herself or others. She's the reason why people think about the worst. She's a bully to all of those around her and takes advantage of those who want to help her. Watch out because she's a snake and will stab you behind the back when you're not looking.
Daniel: Hey, what have you been up to?
Mike: Talking to Somer. She's really sweet-
Daniel: Excuse me? Somer? She's a fucking bitch. Be careful dude, she would stab ya behind the back.
Mike: Seriously? I had a notion that she could have been a bitch. Thanks for the heads up bro.
by yellowthello July 19, 2018
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