The act of Bustin a Niggas Skull.
Yo Nigga Bucky got Snuffed the shit out of by davon.
by Colin Burton February 22, 2008
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The act of knocking someone out or getting knocked out. A cheap shot.
"Yo that nigga is really gone get a snuf for talkin all that mad head"
by Craig WiIliams February 28, 2005
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v. To hit with immense force, most often with a punch;

This term is most often used by lower-class African Americans when two, or more, people engage in combat.
Dat nigga got skraight snuffed, cuz!

We 'bout to snuff dat nigga who dissed on you las' week!
by Ryan Allen November 14, 2004
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Get punched,ko..back a the head
Yo he took my chicken so i snuffed his ass after school..
by chivo1080 February 2, 2010
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V.The act of knockin some fools lights out. To sneak someone.
"Did you see that"
"That nigga just got snuffed"
by C-Dub February 24, 2005
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Whenever an awkward moment is preceded by a person telling joke, a story, or adding a comment to a conversation, the said person "Snuffed it".

Also, a person telling a joke, story, or making a comment that has the potential to be funny or interesting, but completely messes it up.
"dude, I can't believe you told that joke that George told last night. You totally snuffed it."
by Elementcone October 9, 2008
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The act of eating out a girl while blowing quick bursts of air out of your nose on her clitoris.
Kate: "yo bro you gunna snuff that girl?"
Will: "ya i be snuffing her all night."
by hguty18 December 13, 2011
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