Snowbird is a ski/snowboard mountain near Salt Lake City, Utah. It has some of the best snow the United States has to offer.
i just spent 6 hours watching warren miller movies to get pumped up for my trip to Snowbird next week.
by Kevin O' Shea September 30, 2005
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A phrase commonly used in the USA to refer to an older person that travels south (usually to the state of Florida) during the winter.
"The snowbirds start flooding the Florida hotels in November."
by budun August 17, 2017
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Someone who comes down from a northern state, such as Michigan or Washington to a southern state, like Arizona or Florida in search of hotter weather. It makes sense really.
It's not true that they can't drive and cause accidents, I live in Arizona and see snowbirds every year, they don't cause accidents, they merely make the roads a little more busy.
by I'mAnonymous April 8, 2008
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When you catch a bird, jizz on it, and set it free.
Person 1: Remember that time Ammar came on a pidgeon?
Person 2: Yeah he totally pulled a snowbird.
by hotm0m_2007 September 8, 2015
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1. A refugee from a failed Blue state that seeks economic, climatic and political asylum in a thriving Red state on a seasonal basis. Texas and Florida are where most Snowbirds go during their annual migration.

* The term "Winter Texan" is preferred by Snowbirds but it's far too dignified.
"It appears that most snowbirds are rude ingrates."

"Did you see that Snowbird mesmerized by the asparagus at HEB?
by Inquisitor January 28, 2023
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A term usually reserved for a female drug addict, or someone who is seriously strung out on coke.
Audrina: Girl, guess who I ran into the other day?

Norelle: Who?

Audrina: Lisa, and honey, she looked BAD girl.

Norelle: Well, you KNOW she's a Snowbird

Audrina: Snowbird?

Norelle: A Cokehead honey...

Audrina: Girl, stop.

Norelle: Mmmhmm.
by Fox Major March 31, 2009
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1.Irritating old people who come down to Florida from Northern states, drive like maniacs, and should be illegal.
2.disgustin gold people from northern states who wear speedos on our beaches. God help us all.
Why don't we have a snowbird huntin g season?
by Tylor September 25, 2003
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