Running for you life (from Shia LaBeouf)
He's brandishing a knife (it's Shia LaBeouf)
Lurking in the shadows
Hollywood superstar Shia LaBeouf
Living in the woods (Shia LaBeouf)
Killing for sport (Shia LaBeouf)
Eating all the bodies
Actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf
by ministryofpogchamp November 4, 2021
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A nickname commonly given to former actor Shia LaBeouf after his mental breakdown during the Tump election of 2016.
Hey did you guys see Shia LaCucks stupid "he will not divide us" movement? What a chode
by CaptainSlappywacks December 13, 2019
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When someone you thought died in a show is suddenly back
What a Shia Surprise! I didn't expect that!
by tomAtotomato January 5, 2015
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When a man defecates into a woman's mouth and then stirs it around with his erect penis.
"Dude, this chic I was with last night was a total freak! She let me give her a Shia Labeouf!"
by T-Mo aka Poopman December 30, 2009
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An individual who fornicates with robots.
Joe- " hey, did dave just walk into the bathroom with the new edition of popular robotics and a bottle of lotion?
Tom- " yeah, didn't you hear? he's a big time shia Labeouf.
by FomeDe September 1, 2009
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When a character you thought was dead in a tv show or book series comes back
I thought Merle had died on The Walking Dead, that was a Shia Suprise
by Megachief February 8, 2015
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/ dik • sŭk • ə-sôr /

1. N. A shit actor without depth; lacking the ability to convey emotion through cinema.

2. N. A anchor for Hollywood. When used it has the ability to make any movie instantaneously turn to garbage. Much like nautical anchor for a ship where the ship is represented by any major motion picture.

3. N. A hot steamy deuce.
1. "He could always be worse, he could end up being a another Shia LeBouf."

2. "Their movie is going to be way too good, we need to Shia Lebouf it before they monopolize the business."

3. "My stomach is rumbling, I need to go drop a wicked Shia LeBouf"
by DixonButts July 13, 2020
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