To Shayn or the act of Shayning is any form of pleasure you can give to or recieve from a person. There are 10 levels of Shayning and the 10th so far has been banned in 22 countries and 17 states.
Boy- Come on, I promise it'll be quick.
Girl- No, I don't want to level 4 Shayn with you in the bathroom.
Boy- What about a level 2?
Girl-That's fine with me.
by Chicken Bone 101 January 15, 2010
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A: Peeping through a keyhole to see someone going to the bathroom or naked.

B: Being a creeper in general.
I didn't mean to start shayneing I was just fixing the speaker wires.
by Flinchmasterflex March 8, 2011
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She has the most minuscule pp you will ever find. She eats 20 pizza pops a day and has the most vibrant and swollen eyes from being high that attracts all the bois. Tik tok queeen. Horse girls worship her. She’s just new boot goofin’.
“Give me the fucking doughnuts you ding dong.” Says shayne
by Kenkenkenohboi November 25, 2019
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She the cool chick with the boys name. Likes hanging out with the guys but has those girlie moments and kind to a fault always helping people if they need a hand. plus she can kick my booty. i love a girl who can hand my arse to me.
me: god damn girl your short
Shayne: right hight to punch you right in the ...
me: good thing you love me
Shayne: a lucky thing
by meh880 February 2, 2010
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She or he is kind, pretty and fun. Her best friend's first letter of their name starts with an A. She would do anything for that person and that person would do anything for her.
Friend: Hey Shayne! What are you doing tonight?

Shayne: Nothing
Friend: Do you want to come to my house?
Shayne: I would love that!
by AveragePerson9483 June 20, 2019
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Shaynes have big dingles.

yeet yoink yer dads a boink
GUY 1: Shayne.

by yeetyoinkyerdadsaboink February 12, 2019
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The act of shitting yourself while running
Someone pulled another shayne this morning. I heard he didn't even shower afterwards.
by Ziggety69er November 12, 2010
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