v. intr.: To grow to such greatness in degree that it defies all attempts at description. To become so great that only an invented word will suffice. (Generally used of positive qualities, such as beauty or brilliance.)

cf. adj. scrumtrulescent, coined by Will Ferrell as James Lipton, on SNL's sketch "Inside the Actors Studio."
I can't even describe her hotness now, she has simply scrumtrulesced since high school.
by Jickety June 7, 2006
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A goodness that transcends all other levels of goodness.
A pint of Guinness tastes scrumtrulescent.
by Brandon Abell June 10, 2003
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Things that are very cute, delicious, or wenchy.
Mishlet and Hannahlet sure are scrumtrulescent.
by missBunny July 21, 2005
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