/n/: Opposite of the word 'faggot'.
Term used to describe one who bashes things because he/she doesn't like them.
Comes from the common image of the teenager who sags his pants.
Also, a saggot could be one who walks as if they've crap in their underwear.
"Eww, you're such a saggot!"
by Melodic Mochi March 26, 2010
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A variation of the word 'owned'.
Stems from the word 'saggot' meaning a saggy faggot.
Normally only used when a person owns another person and not when they own themselves
Person A gets a ball kicked in their face
Person B: HAHAHA you got absolutely saggoted!
by The muntinator March 24, 2011
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A derogatory term used on set by non-union actors to describe other actors that are members of the Screen Actors Guild, or SAG.
Mike: Why can't the Non Union go to lunch yet?

Drew: Cause the saggots get to go through the line first.

Mike: Man I wish I was a saggot.
by andkeepitdown February 7, 2010
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A huge droopy ball sack. Sounds alot like fagat. Usally got by being old or having your balls sucked alot.
You suck your grandad's saggot.

She's given me realy bad saggot.
by Matt.A October 14, 2006
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One who insists on "sagging" their pants as a fashion statement. Not used in a homosexual or Full House context.
Saggot; "Ayyee, man i'll have so much swagg if people can see my Hollister boxers when I go out to da club."
Observer: "Naw, man. You'll just look like a saggot."
by Tallyhoe327 March 9, 2012
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Expressed when in anger or frustration.
When he struck out in baseball he yelled: Bob saggot!
by Gossimereatspie August 2, 2008
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Idiot who thinks its spelled Bob Saggot: I'm a FAGGOT! I spell Saget SAGGOT!!!!
by STEVECORE September 21, 2006
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