irish pupet comidy.
two pupits (podge & rodge) sitting on a bed telling urbon legonds & myths.
by chad February 19, 2004
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Saying that you know what the other people is talking about to try to fit in even though you don't have a clue about what they are reffering to.
Dude, you have no idea who the Rolling Stones are, you know that you don't listen to them, you pulled such a dodge rodge

by Ed Howland October 4, 2006
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This is what happens when an african american male of normal

sensibilities;for no apparent rhyme nor reason;begins rapping

and dancing like he is onstage at the mtv awards show.
he could be anywhere and in any situation when the mood
overwhelms him.

this action is similar to rerun getting down with rodger on the
sitcom "What's Happening" that was popular in the 70's.
"Did you see that spook "gettin down with rodge!" before his

ugly fat white girlfriend picked him up in front of Mo's Chicken

by driver_im8 June 22, 2009
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When dump chopped onions and hard boiled eggs in your never washed denim bibs for a 12 hour shift. You then take your Rodger Gumbo and splatter it on a pile of leftover stale bagels from a cheap hotel breakfast bar.
Damn boi, where you get that plate of dirty big rodge? That shit slapping yo!
by LiLi and the PPs April 10, 2023
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Totally awesome person who does what he says, musically talented and just nice in general.
I said it, I meant it, I’m here to Rodg-present it
by Ko3kwau5 November 23, 2021
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person 1: what the hell is wrong with you, you’re so rodged!
person 2: I’m what?
by usnsksnsoswsn April 1, 2020
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