La Diva De La Banda, Mexican-American singer that passed in 2012. Such a badass female, put her first husband in jail, and raised her 5 kids alone! Often said, Pinche Pelon, in her song referring to the love of her life. Most women use her songs to express heartbreaks, be a party girl, and mostly just get fucked up. R.I.P to the Reina of Banda Music.
Marissa: Girl! Let’s link up tonight and sing our hearts to Jenni Rivera. Juan cheated on my ass, so Se Las Voy A Dar A Otro. defined

Brenda: Chale homes, his side piece probably dedicated Querida Socia to you!

Marissa: Haha! Ta bien, mija. Tu sin el seguirás siendo La Misma Gran Señora!
by MexicanH@e January 10, 2021
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A beautiful, courageous, and humorous girl. She is insecure but other people love her personality and her smile. She is the best person to ever be with. A Cindy Rivera is someone who you can't live without. She's perfect.
Guy 1#: Who is she!?
Guy 2#: Oh thats Cindy Rivera, Don't bother, She might be taken already.
by Yours truly, anonymous December 8, 2012
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A character in the popular tween books, The Clique Series, Alicia is second-in-command, or a "beta", of the main characters' clique. She's also what Lisi Harrison, the author, calls a "Spanish Beauty". She has big boobs, a gorgeous face, and is taller than most of the other 12/13-year-old girls. Alicia is obviously popular with the boys in the books, for those reasons.

Despite the fact that Alicia is hott, rich, and stylish, she is still almost always left with the "2nd" position, Massie Block taking first.
Boy: I wish Alicia Rivera was real, she's so hott.
Boy 2: Dude, you read that series? You're a fag.
Boy: ...
by Ann O'Nonymous June 27, 2008
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The greatest closer in baseball history. Period. End of Story.
Dude #1: Mariano Rivera
Dude #2: The dude that blew a world series by throwing a ball into center field?
Dude #1: Yeah, the dude that has the lowest career post season average, 500+ saves, the lowest career era among relief pitchers and the most saves in post season and world series history.

Dude #2: Damn.
by yanks42 July 16, 2009
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The Barrio. City near los angeles containing over 95% hispanic population. Nobody calls the cops when somebody is shot at, only when somebody is actually shot.
On the 4th of July Pico Rivera goes off like a warzone!
by Guy(Pablo)Davison July 16, 2008
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Arguably the best closer in baseball of all-time. Has been a pitcher on the New York Yankees his whole career, which is now 10 years. He is a.k.a Mr. Automatic because when he comes into a game with a lead, the game is over. He has pitched in 586 games and 728.1 innings. He has 336 saves and a 2.43 ERA (Earned Run Average).
"He's (Mariano Rivera) the best I've ever been around. Not only the ability to pitch and perform under pressure, but the calm he puts over the clubhouse. He's very important for us because he's a special person."-Yankees Manager Joe Torre
by sprtsfan212 August 1, 2005
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A women who can turn basically any women gay. She was an amazing actress, voice actor, mother, sister lover, wife, girlfriend, friend ect. We love her and miss her so dearly. Beautiful and sassy in so many ways. Words can not describe how much we all miss her.
"Dude who's that?"
"That my friend is Naya Rivera."
by skyblues224 June 27, 2021
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