The best TV show ever, being even better than The Simpsons. It has to do with Rick Sanchez and his grandson, Morty Smith going on very futuristic adventures.
by McBoobs (IHateShitters) June 17, 2018
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A popular yaoi that follows the romance between a misunderstood scientific genius and his nervous softboy grandson. Probably one of the steamiest mangas out there.
"Wow! I can't decide which Rick and Morty ship is my favorite!"
by Commonsensemedia karen July 30, 2020
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First of all if your IQ is not 20000 you won't understand this now let's get in to the description this is the best TV show ever there is 3 season of greatness there are 4 main character Rick, Morty , summer, Jerry (who we all hate) and Beth. Who get in to crazy Adventures in different universe's we are still waiting on season 4 but we can hope for the best but for now we fantasize about it
Hey wanna watch some Rick and Morty

Yeah let's get our IQ up


2 seasons later

I have an IQ of 2000000

Haha me to
by Miner mc March 9, 2018
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A show that is slowly decaying in quality
Rick and Morty just keeps getting worse
by RenTheHen March 18, 2022
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a television show that only a select few may understand. this show has highly intelligent humor and if you aren't a genius like us viewers, the jokes may fly right over your head. this is a 17+ show and the only reason why i can understand its rating is that children don't understand quantum physics.
person A: hey bud, what're ya doing over the weekend? the hockey game is on, you should come by!
person B: oh, i'm sorry fellow being but i have to catch up on the latest episodes of Rick and Morty.
person A: okay, i understand. you think you'll get into oxford?
person B: duh.
by Moonch December 11, 2017
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A show usually enjoyed by kids that say that they’re so smart, but usually can’t even spell the word “smart.” Viewers of the show, though they think that they have high IQs, are stupid to the point of using the word “squanch” a word in no official dictionary and therefore stupid slang, in conversation. Ironically gravity falls creator Alex hirsch is friends with the creator of this show. Who would’ve thought that the creator of a very intelligent children’s show like gravity falls, would be friends with the creator of a show that lowers IQs beyond comprehension. But anyways, the show somehow managed to go on for 3 seasons, possibly more, whilst the best we got with gravity falls after it ended is it airing on Disney channel. HOW?!? The show more or less just rides on the coattails of the successful kids show, but for the adults that overheard their kids watching gravity falls, and it somehow WORKS!
Wow! You really watch Rick and Morty?!? Well, I hope you manage to make past 7th grade!
by Jonathan Schillings April 16, 2018
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