see kib a more formal spelling of kib.
Its time for quibbage. ( sleep )
I'm going to quib out.
by Joe Beefquim March 16, 2004
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The act of grabbing anothers crotch. Must be accompanied with the quibber saying "Quibs" otherwise the touch is just molestation.
Guy 1- "Hey bro, just wondering if you had todays assignment"

Guy 2- "Yeah, it was page 3 and 4."

Guy 1- "OK."

Guy 2- "..."

Guy 1- "Quibs" *grabs guy 2's groin*

Guy 2- "FUCK."
by floydthesic999 September 26, 2009
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Also known as a Melvin; someone who only watches the sexual scenes in movies, television shows or other films.
Allison’s favorite movie is Breaking Dawn part one but she only watches the sex scene. What a quib!
by Eva W February 6, 2021
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A quib or quib-bid is to bid for multiple items online on haggling websites alike..
'Put a quib on it'
'quib on it'
'That quib is too low'
by dynamitelives June 9, 2014
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when a person experiences flatulations during the exercise of weightlifting.
That girl keeps dead lifting and quibbing at the same time
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quibs: (abstarct noun) issue, problem, dislike.
man1: i want to get some blue cheese
man2: I got no quibs with that
by Wolfmankurd August 5, 2005
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1. a common Quidditch maneuver borrowed from the fictional English football group Manchester United.
2. more commonly known for its sexual connotation: picking the scabs from the walls of the vagina for a smoother intercourse
1: Ay you! Run the manchester quib pick!
2: Oy! Loik I did on yer mum last night?
by in4m8ion May 30, 2008
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