Someone who makes good of what has become bad in his life.
He is living a pozzie life now that he is in Alaska.
by Jon Paul July 1, 2005
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Nifty, cool, righteous. It's a great word for use when one is intoxicated. For some reason, that is the precise time that it becomes very amuzing. It has to be said with a definite "valley" accent to be used correctly.
Did you see that flowered and polka dotted VW bug that just passed by? It was totally pozzi!
by The Bellinghamster April 21, 2005
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Slang term used for a person that is HIV positive. Usually only used between two HIV positive people.
I am going to a support group for Pozzies today.
by dfwpozzie June 23, 2009
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A slang term for position. Refers to a sexual position.
Her favourite pozzy is 69.
by coinroller July 27, 2007
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aka negative nancy
or sometimes referred to as debby downer
by pozer August 15, 2007
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Short for "position", as in "sex position"
Q. "What's your favorite pozzie?"
A. "I prefer doggie but Katie likes cowgirl best."

"Baby, I wanna try a new pozzie."
"Go get a copy of the Kama Sutra."
by TheDefiningDefiner June 11, 2018
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comes from a term coined in 1914, meaning a man who is very fond of jam
that pozzy wallah is always lurking in the jam aisle at the supermarket
by BlackWidow1985 September 23, 2009
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