for kids who cant afford heroin
little random kid: omgOMG omg im on such a suger high! i love pixie sticks! theyre soo cool...look at all the pretty colours! (bounces off walls)
by me!!! muahyhahyha March 7, 2008
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person one: i bought 5 bags of pixie sticks for encampment
person two: your gonna get high off kid crack
by (c)l.lindax3 November 11, 2009
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A process by which a Moe extracts cum from the ass of his special friend via a straw.
Bryce liked to use a Pixie Stick on his main man muffin, Trevor.
by Jism Jim February 1, 2006
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When you place cocaine on a girls asshole and they fart it up your nose.
Hey honey, do you want to try something new tonight? how about I give you a pixie stick.
by DangerFox & Charlietuna November 17, 2006
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Woman with very skinny legs.
Here come them pixie sticks again! Somebody needs to buy her a burger or something.
by exitflagger April 30, 2008
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When a person places cocaine on anothers anus or butthole, then gets the cocaine blown into his/her nose when the other farts.
You've got some suger honey, now it's time to get pixie stick!
by Chris Holden November 19, 2006
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