word that describes a gay guy
phaggots are disguisting
by nick March 4, 2005
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a type of mental condition diagnosed by a turd by the name of dr. prateek
Doctor: "I am disappointed to say that you have been diagnosed for phaggotism."

Patient: "...oh nos.."
by ninaa-san April 12, 2010
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A term for brotherly celebration of friendship; n. Comrade. Companion. Friend. Pal. Silly Beaver.
Hey ya phaggot! How she be goin'?
by Phaggot-Master September 4, 2003
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One of the most overused words on the bodybuilding.com forums. Basically anyone who doesn't work out or is considered a "nice guy"
Forum post:

Why you are a "beta phaggot"

You are a needy, indecisive approval-seeker who makes your woman a higher priority than yourself and your passions.
by betterthanfuckbook December 28, 2015
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Used in online forums to denote the thread creator is homosexual. 'Faggot' is spelt 'Phaggot' due to the fact many forums block the former.

More often than not, the insult is used as a sign of dissatisfaction with the thread, instead of implying the creater is gay. When the rare occurence happens that this really is the case, the phrase could not be more suitable.

Usually after many replies of 'op is a phaggot' by unsympathetic forum users, the thread will die and the member will be left feeling scarred and broken. It is a common trend for people who rarely post to create threads which bear 'phaggot' comments, so the poster often sinks back into the bushes to lurk until he plucks up enough courage to try his luck again.
Thread:Have any of you seen the film *insert crap title no-one watched*

replies: op is a phaggot

Thread: I Like using my boyfriends anal beads

Replies:: Wow.. looks like op really is a phaggot
by j4mi3 November 28, 2011
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An idiot, moron, or other low intellectual individual. Does not mean the same as faggot. Does NOT mean a homosexual, unless that homosexual is of low intelligence.

He is gay, what a phaggot. Nah dude I think you mean faggot, he is pretty smart so he isn't a phaggot.
by Nedwick February 12, 2023
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Phaggot is a combined word of a fag and a goat but in a Indian accent
The Muslim told the black dude that he was a phaggot
by Jewdan July 18, 2019
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