PTS is an aviation term that stands for Practical Test Standards. It is a book that contains the standards by which a pilot must perform to obtain a licence
According to the PTS, you must maintain altitude within 100 feet, bank angle within 10 degrees, and airspeed within 10 kts for some manuvers.
by dflyboy June 10, 2005
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Acronym for Private twitter, a secret private account disclosed to only a small amount of trust people form their regular twitter so that they can subtweet people . People make their PT usually separately from their regular account.
"Ew Becky is so annoying"
"I know I've subtweeted her so many times on my PT"
by Yonyon122345 November 17, 2014
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Acronym for porn torrent syndrome; refers to the tendency for the download speeds of pornographic video torrents to slow down immensely when the download is almost finished.
The reason for this is a cyclical phenomenon: When people download these kinds of videos, they often watch them when they are only 90-95% complete (whenever the final orgasm occurs), because the remaining 5-10% takes so long and they don't want to wait. But since they watch it and it is "used up" before the download is complete, they then delete the video. Therefore, the internet is full of transient peers that only have the incomplete file for a temporary time, making it almost impossible to download the entire video. This is comparable to waiting for a few moles of a radioactive substance with half-life of 3 days to fully decompose - which, theoretically, never happens.
Jill really wanted to see the final 3 minutes of a lesbian fisting video she was previewing, but her torrent client was giving an estimate of 3 years, 23 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 11 seconds until the download would complete. "Damn this PTS" she thought to her horny self.
by Leroy Brown 420 February 18, 2009
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PTS is used as an online abbreviation for ''Permission To Speak''.
As an example: ''Miss, please ask for PTS before you say anything.
by Felyxa March 9, 2018
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abbreviation for Pooping Time. Its like putting in OT at work, but pooping while at work. Hence, Pooping Time.
"Hey, you still on break?"

"Yeah, about to put in some PT."
by JerseyJackie February 9, 2010
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