(1) get hired -either 'him' or 'her', ie: take her/him on

(2) acceptance as sex partner, "lover", business partner
jim mcfoolsis the employer, didn't think he needed to take a human on, but had to take one on anyway

kate convinced the candy store owner to take her on

mark got the green light from carrie, that she would take him on
by michael foolsley December 22, 2009
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The favorite phrase of buisness executives and teenagers alike. "Take one" is often followed by the word free.
Can be found at trade shows and buisness/organization confrences: "take one" pencils and other miscellaneous items for advertising.
Can be found at high schools and doctors offices: "take one" packets on pregnancy, diseases, braces, and homosexuality (among other things).
While looking at the display covered in free information packets about things like avoiding pregnancy, Clara thought to her self "too bad i cant get a take one on how to give great head."
by K to the I to the R November 17, 2005
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To take part in the recieving of one item.
I began to take one of my Mother's cellular telephones so I could text my cool white guy friend from the siz-outh.
by Alec May 15, 2004
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v. to take one for the team is best seen in the example.

also known as: "jumping on the grenade"
Joe and his four other male friends go to a bar. They come across four very hot women, and one ugly one. Joe, being the good and pure one to his friends, gets with the ugly one to spare his friends the agony.

Buddy 1: "Hey, have you guys seen Joe?"

Buddy 2: "Yea i saw him an hour ago, he left with a real fat grenade"

Buddy 3: "That Joe guy is a good man cause he always takes one for the team"
by Reggie Regg November 24, 2003
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The act of someone willingly making a sacrifice for the benefit of others.
There wasn't enough room in the car, so Jerry decided to take one for the team and stayed behind while the reast of us went to the big concert.

"Man, Jerry warned us that movie would suck, so he went to go see it before the rest of us just to make sure, and man was he right."
"Yeah man, he can really take one for the team.
by TheKoW November 3, 2006
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