When you spend your vacation taking your kids to visit relatives.
I didn't get a vacation, I had to take the kids on an oblication.
by eatmorchickn July 23, 2009
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A vacation whose primary purpose is to fulfill an obligation or obligations, usually ones that are not enjoyable. (E.g. visiting disliked family members, attending memorial services, weddings you'd rather not attend, etc.)
This summer we are going on a vacation to Paris and an oblication to Toronto. My sister is holding Mittens' annual cat memorial service in July. It's pretty far to drive, but we'd never hear the end of it if we weren't there.
by MizPronounced November 4, 2014
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Taking time off work go somewhere you don't want to go to do something thoroughly unenjoyable, i.e. attending a funeral or holidays with in-laws.
Susan won't be back for another week, she's on an oblication helping her brother paint his house.
by Schweikhard October 11, 2008
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A vacation that also fulfills other obligations, usually those dealing with family or work.
I am taking my kids on an oblication to Miami where I have a conference to attend.

We are spending our oblication at my parents place so that they can see their grandkids.
by seafan February 4, 2010
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An out-of-town trip that looks like a vacation, but is really done to fulfill an obligation.
We're taking our annual oblication to our in-law's cabin in the woods.
by Moklaw February 11, 2016
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