Similar to Stranger, The Mugger is when you allow both hands to fall asleep then proceed to choke ones self with one hand whilst flogging with the other.
David gave himself the mugger last night and didn't come to school this morning
by Yomin February 19, 2008
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basically any unsavoury character who resembles a total fucking rapist.
"my boss came into work sporting that fucking moustache again. he looks like a total mugger."
by muggeridge January 18, 2010
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A mugger is the opposite of a skittle. It is an unattractive guy or girl. It is not the harshest term you could use but is still a generalization for an ugly person.
I would never get with her, she is an absolute mugger.
by Brit Lit October 16, 2009
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A person who can't stop flame baiting no matter who else gets dragged down, even if it's his/her own friends.
Oh wow! Cheyney can't stop bashing every one, and every one is turning on him AND his friends cause he can't stop! What a mugger.
by `Silence July 31, 2009
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You're mugger man!
by Nolin Rash July 6, 2003
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Hugger-mugger is unusual as it can be used as both a noun and an adjective.

When used as an adjective it can mean either confused and disorderly or secret and clandestine. As a noun it refers either to disorder and confusion or secrecy or secretive behaviour.
His behaviour is hugger-mugger.
The rally descended into hugger-mugger.
by AKACroatalin March 7, 2019
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Apple's Earbuds for use in their ipod. In New York and other big cities they are know to alert a mugger that you are in possession of one of these expensive pieces of shit.
I was walkin down 46th jammin out to the jonas brothers and got jacked for my ipod. Those earbuds are like mugger magnets.
by jamesnbk1108 February 9, 2009
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