The German word for "Dork" , but in the US of A it is usually used to describe a proper "Idiot".

Muellers often live in such redneck area's as Rural areas of Washington state or the Deep South.

They dress in white trash clothing such as checked shirts and allways wear baseball hats , they love to watch Dirt Track racing and their whole life is spent on a quest to actually design build a hobby sports car from that old Camero that has been laying dormant and rusty at the boneyard for the last 10 years.

They generally have atleast one of their front teeth missing and like to grow those funny beards under their botton lips.

If your a Mueller then there is a very good chance "That you really are your own Grandpa.!."

Red Neck , White Trash , Mueller
by James Furlong October 8, 2007
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When it’s time to redact, POTUS fear is clear...
Hey, you ready for complete and utter governmental chaos? It’s Mueller Time!
by YAWA March 23, 2019
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Careful consideration of an issue or a decision that results in a final irreversible decision. During the period of consideration, no amount of speculation, distraction, or pleading or argument is given any credence or consideration with regard to influencing the final outcome.
“Mother, will you please tell me yes or no, will my Bone spurs allow me to dodge the draft?” Answer: “Son I will have to get back with you I have paid our family doctor to Mueller it over.”
by Tomazon February 9, 2018
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This dude is the coolest most amazing guy in the world. And a true best friend. He can make you smile more than goldfish do.
Dude! Is that Chuck Norris?!" "Nah that's Peter Mueller
by Allison Burnett October 12, 2010
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Time of action by special counsel Robert Mueller. "Mueller time" is a time of reckoning for the American traitors from Donald Trump's inner circle who colluded with Russia to sway the 2016 presidential election in Trump's favor. "Mueller time" can also refer to prison terms served by above-mentioned offenders.
Michael Flynn is threatened with lengthy prison sentence, so he cuts a deal to rat on Trump. Trump says: uh-oh, it's Mueller time.
Paul Manafort was sentenced to 20 years of Mueller time.
by dranalog November 18, 2017
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A legally binding federal document that can be altered to fit however you feel on a particular day. Usually A Mueller Report says one thing, then a second document is released on a later date that is changed or altered to say whatever the author chooses. A Mueller Report is often confusing, contradictory, and is hard to believe it is taken seriously, but it is.
"Donald, our company stands to lose millions" Let's file A Mueller Report to the shareholders, and after the dust settles, we'll change it to keep the dummies happy. "
by James Westen April 18, 2019
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