A reoccuring limited-time burger from McDonald's that ISN'T made of rib but instead of restructured meat products such as heart, tripe, and stomach. It also contains Azodicarbonamide, which increases risk of breathing problems. They also look artificially manufactured and unpalatable when frozen, sort of like styrofoam.
Guy 1: After reading the truth about McRib, I still want to eat a McRib
Guy 2: I mean hey man, it's your choice, I sure as hell ain't eating that
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian October 29, 2021
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Last night, I Mcribbed Mary so hard last night, she lost her voice in the morning.
by Daniel Porter September 12, 2006
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When you get someone hooked on something and then take it away. Like what McDonald's does to people with the McRib.
You can't get me hooked on something and then just take it away! That's called McRibbing someone Stan, and it's torture!
by Beacon t August 10, 2020
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When you buy a regular condom, stuff it full of limited time McRib from participating McDonalds until it is suitably turgid, then shove it into hole of choice, whispering “ribbed for pleasure” in her ear.
Person A: What did you do last night?
Person B: Oh I was up all night Mcribbing my Youth Pastor’s daughter
by DaddysDingers October 30, 2020
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Putting food (preferably meat) down a seat in someone’s car and not telling them about it, creating a untraceable odour.
Joe who were those guys I drove home last weekend?They Mike McRibbed me!
by Smillyman4 October 24, 2018
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When the mc rib is re-released, the crime rates skyrocket. This usually applies to inner cites, ghettos/projects, and closely surrounding areas
Jane - “hey can you walk me home? Its only a couple blocks”

Dick - “hell no haven’t you heard? Im not leaving the house after dark due to the mcrib effect ! Take a cab!”

Jane - you dick.
by Ginjah_Ninja April 20, 2018
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You gather your friends around and playfully convince them to hand cuff each other in a circle. You privately fill ur bladder with your favorite hard alcohol, by stretching your piss hole around the bottle. After. That you mash a McRib sandwich and shove it in ur ass.Then you enter the room and the circle dressed as a futuristic rodeo clown, and point a gun in their faces and make them drink the alcohol from ur stretched out piss hole while they r blind folded. Once they are drunk you put a quarter stick of dynamite in your loosened piss hole, with a long wick . Then you take turns forcing them at gun point to pleasure you uncontrollably until whoever has the most dick parts on them when the dynamite explodes. Then as ur anus relaxes from exploding your genitals. The prized dirty McRib is awaiting the winner.
Shall we Dirty McRib at church today.
by BadbitchBobby September 4, 2022
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