basically means foreal, straight up,....emphasizes that you're serious.
Man this hoe is about to get cussed mayo.

and so on and so forth...
by The mac named Jayne September 22, 2008
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As a direct result to being Cream-pied, Kovac Mayoed berg
by Big Janks August 13, 2008
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1. a (noun) meaning a man with an overwhelming desire to have an extreme amount of sex. mayos are known to be very well indowed and make excellent boyfriends as well as lovers.

2. a (noun) mayo is a thick white substance, some people spread on sandwhiches. made from oil, eggs, vinegar and seasonings.
1. "mayo and i have amazing sex on a daily basis!"

2."i want some mayo on my sandwhich please."
by herbalangelkc February 4, 2010
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When you're just too saucy. The level of sauce you have cannot be described by the word itself. You just mayoing
Ayo bro, you mayoing rn .

Today I'm mayoing AF.
by Mean And Sweet November 4, 2016
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If u watched David and Liza's breakup video, u will see a clip were Liza refers to love as mayo
Somebody pass me the mayo
-Scotty Sire
by Axo the Axolotl June 5, 2018
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It'sa almosta Mayo.
*Italian accent
by T-rump September 19, 2018
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A small town on a peninsula just outside Annapolis, Maryland. Masters at beer pong, tubing/wakeboarding, and partying. You can find marijuana on almost every teenager over thirteen. Don't be to surprised by their abusive, vulgar, and often threatening language/behavior or if every white person you meet acts as if he were black. Also see Edgewater.
Out of Towner: Where the hell did you get all that weed?
Mayo Resident: Yo, where else but Mayo cracker? I won it kicking some white son of a bitch's ass at beer pong while at the sickest party EVER.
by sarababeee September 24, 2008
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