To post a status on Facebook, then to leave it for a while to accumulate statuses and comments before replying to the comments or posting up new statuses.
"Maria posted twenty statuses today"

"Come on, Maria! Let your last status marinate for a while!"
by Shadia10 December 31, 2014
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Marinate (verb). Forms part of the act of psychological warfare often played by exes and other fuckwits. This rather mean spirited attempt to play games involves messaging someone to put the feelers out there, then just letting it sit a bit. Season & marinate... If the person wasn't interested, they'll probably be at the very least curious... But if they are keen, it might make them really keen (if the person is a bit stupid/ insecure/unconfident). Even though you've made the move, you get to reestablish the power.
I'm going just let the bitch marinate...
by freudianslipper August 20, 2012
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to chill, hang out, stay put and do nothing
Stephan:what are you gonna do later?
Gabe:im gonna marinate
Stephan: cool ill come with
by GRocha October 31, 2007
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everything and anything that happens after you get high.
Were gonna go get high as shit, and then marinate, and then get high again and have a marination celebration.
by Gas Man and Rat Boy November 12, 2005
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To masturbate to yourself, or another, while urinating.
Dude, I just found out my girlfriend marinates!

Sweetie, I just caught Jen marinating in the kitchen sink!
by morbidjellyfish December 13, 2010
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Marinating someone is when you take control of them to make them believe that you are not something when in fact, you are that one thing.
He marinated the crewmate into believing he was innocent.
by eopseo December 26, 2020
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pronounced "Mare-in-eight": To make someone you've made eye contact with several times with in one night, make the first move. A practice commonly used by shyer members of either sex.
Guy A: "You've been checkin' out those girls all night, go talk to one of them."
Guy B: "Nah, I'mma let them bitches marinate." (to general direction of girls) "Marinate bitches!"
by T00kansamm June 3, 2007
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