When a woman takes a break from men for awhile. It usually occurs after a period of back to back relationships or after a flurry of cringe worthy first dates. During her mancation, she doesn't date, go online or think about a relationship with a man. She purposefully takes herself off the market and out of the dating game. This period usually involves an increase in self-care, hanging with girlfriends, shopping, taking stock of her life and developing her career or new creative pursuits. Success frequently follows a mancation.
Did you notice that Kim Kardashian has taken a total mancation? She's all about her business right now. Good for her.
by Bklngrl January 7, 2011
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Mancation is an annual event that combines beer, steak dinners, beer, hiking & biking, beer, several rounds of golf, beer, and never reading a map or asking for directions with a group of guys who have been frineds for years. Ultimately, it's not entirely impossible to be eaten by a bear.
Larry, Chris & Bill spent fives day in Nashville for Mancation 2005.
by Larry Meadows August 7, 2006
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A combo of Man and Vacation. It's when you plan a vacation with all your bro's and leave the nagging wives, girlfriends, late night bootie calls all back at home and get piss drunk, hook up with some strange, bust ass and hot box the hotel room.
Hey bro, my girl is buggin.....Let's plan mancation in Vegas and get stupid retard like we're riding the yellow bus.
by Hosszilla March 31, 2006
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An event in which guys on the down low try to act macho to hide their homosexuality. A bunch of guys get together to drink beer or camp or whatever. As soon as one of them calls it "mancation" it's turns into one big homorgy (homo orgy).
straight guy: hey wanna go camping with me and the boyz this weekend.

down low guy: oh, you mean a mancation weekend?

straight guy: NO!!! We're just going camping. No russian cookies, no hot-carl's, no rusty trombones, no searching for inner children. Just camping...
by DavidS October 10, 2006
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going on vacation with your male buddies on the premise of "scoring chicks" but end up sitting around chugging warm busch lights
"wanna go to a rager saturday night?"
"no can do, i'm going on mancation"
by ddpp September 3, 2007
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Main Entry: man·ca·tion
Pronunciation: mān-ˈkā-shən
Function: noun

Usage: often attributive

Definition 1: A homoerotic version of a regular vacation. A period spent away from home or business in travel with other "MEN" with similar interest
I can't wait to go to my yearly Mancation at the leather and cigar festival, I hope all my "friends" make it.
by D. U. GG June 17, 2009
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When Bogey Boyz that are golfers get together to turn their phones off, turn their minds off, turn their significant other off, and enjoy good clean fun over a few rounds of golf, poker, jokes in bad taste, and far too many laughs to be honest about when they return home.
I went on a mancation with the guys on a Bogey Boyz golf trip.
by Bogey Al March 14, 2008
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