A muzza is a young male, usually of southern European decent (even though they've never been there), that are born and raised Melbournians. Living in middle-class western and northern suburbs they are depicted by their cars..
Usually canary yellow VL turbos (often built by the Rajabs), VN 5 litre's, VQ Statesmans or the R33 Skyline.

Baseball caps are constantly worn alongside hair product, but to make sure they dont wreck their hair the caps sit on top of their hair (and away from the fringe). Bum-bags are a must to hold all your mobile phones (one for the bros, and one for the hoes), and also some change to spend at maccas.

They walk like they're trying to immitate a scarecrow, or like they're holding a bucket of water in each hand (with a subtle swaying motion) This is often a result of going to the gym once or twice and thinking your lats are so huge you cant put your arms straight down your side.

As soon as there's any drizzle outside muzzas call all their bros and go do some demos in your cars.. ripping it up in the wet is considered "free demos" because it doesnt bald your tires as much.

Muzzas are often highschool dropouts currently doing apprentiships, with every cent they earn going towards their cars (mostly on tires and petrol), and they end up wondering why all their bros who went to uni end up driving mercs and picking up chicks while they stick to their teeny bopper marias (which are the 13-16yr old female equivalent of a muzza) who are the only chicks who go for these guys.

Common hangouts are Bell St maccas, or any other Hungry Jacks 24hour store carpark, but the most common place (which is guarenteed to give you some pure muzzas) has got to be Chapel Street on Friday and Saturday nights. Doing constant and repetitious laps of this popular shopping strip is a must, and ensures many hours of sitting in traffic at 3am on a Saturday morning.
Heading from Bell St maccas, headin to do some "Chap Laps" at 2am on a Friday, pumpin some hard tracks. Or at Williamstown beach sitting on the foreshore, in front of their cars, checkin out the chicks.
by Dupz March 31, 2005
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A young male between 14-25 either Lebo, Assyrian, greek or Turk.They are usually highschool dropouts and currently working at kebab shops or building constructions.They drive old cars such as holden VL,V6, VT,Calai, Berlina, Subaru WRX, Nissan Skyline, mitsubishi Lancer '02 with turbo & subwoofers.They wear trackies and adidas or nike, kappa, puma, reebok jumpers with dunlop volleys.Their hair is over gelled, with blonde-patches, straightened with a commando or baseball cap. Muzzas use words like omg, uleh, lan, taxed,shotgun,yep, Bro, fully sik, fully hektik, awesome, sweet, say vallah bro, Cuz, habib.They listen to hardcore Trance, RnB, Rap & Wog music.They hangout at Broady, Roxc, Fawkner maccas. Roxc, Epping & Broady Cinemas. The northern suburb train stations.They spend all their money on trackies, petrol, grand theft auto, GYM, maccas & phone credit.. They have heaps of phones each one on a different network & mostly stolen. They live in the northern suburbs and ride on public tranport for free. Also they sneak movies at cinemas.Muzzas will drive with all 4 windows down, Trance on base, the driver seat in the lowest position, cap on their head, 1 hand on the fone, eyes on female pedestrians and not making any use of the mirrors. For example they drive at 80km in 60 zone, 50km over a speedbump, run redlights, drift around at nite, do a 360 at a carpark, change lanes without signalling, drive 120km on freeways, drive on neutral and bunny hop their car, if its manual.
Person a- Did you just see that car over there?

Person b- The holden calai with the silver wheels?

Person a- Yes, that guy didnt even signal and just cut through 4 cars and went through a red light!

Person b- Yeah typical muzza!
by mooncrater October 5, 2010
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(Australian) Melbourne slang for ethnic Australian(Lebanese,Greek Italian Serb) youths aged 15 to 25 years old who have mullet style hair cuts wear adidas and Kappa clothing hang outside mcdonalds carparks in their suped up nissan pulsars bluring music out of them and trying to look hard and impress girls,Usually trying to pick fights or bullying when nerdy kids around
Person 1:"Lets go to maccas and eat in the outside area"

Person 2:"Na to many muzzas down there"

Person 1:"I saw a group of muzzas at the carpark today"

Person 2:"What's muzzas"

Person 1:"Muzzas is those kinda guys we saw at the carpark yesterday there was like 10 of them standing around a red nissan pulsar with 2pac bluring out of it and they all where wearing nike dri fit hats had bumbags and wearing singlets"

Person 2:"Haha oh them guys so that's what muzzas are"
by Harry69 December 29, 2011
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A muzza is usally a italian/greek. They go around nothen suburbs pumping there music such as: Rap, Rnb, Techno n wog music. They drive Vn BERLINA's White with CALAIS international RIMS n have stolen fones that there cuzzes get from the back of trucks ;). They have Sony Xplodes 12" wif prologic amps. The place they hang out would be Chapple st (safeway carpark), Or bell st maccas, or even getting a Kebab from huchies.
"Look at that muzza"
"in the vn pumping da music"
"ohh what a MUZZA"
by Wog_On_XtC August 13, 2005
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These creatures are in the same league as "wrangers"(red heads) or arguably, they could be even worse. Hailing from countries like Greece, Italy and even Lebanon (the lebs are the worse muzzas), you will be able to find these animals late at night by hearing their "sik" beats beating out of their fully sick subwoofers. Often use the words "re" "uleh" "hektik" "oh mah gawd uleh" "maria" "bella" "bro", these retards are looked down upon by society and often are the butts of jokes. A common place to discover these creatures is to go to Bell st maccas where they can be seen being "fully sick" by doing burnouts in their "mad" vl's. Chaple st is also a popular destination to find these aliens as they can be seen doing chap-laps. The suburb which is arguably the most populated by these creatures is probably Doncaster and its neighbouring suburbs. They can be found hanging outside Westfield shoppingtown taking a "ciggie break"

In terms of the appearance of these "muzzas" they are often found wearing sporting labels like Adidas, Champion and Kappa. Trackpants are a popular item. Hair product is also a must for a muzza so they can "fully spike my hair up and be muzztek so my bella thinks im fully gorgeous and also when i go clubbing all the chikybabes will stare at me and wanna get my number." You can tell if a person is muzza by simply talking to them (as they often say "re", "uleh"....etc), type of clothing they wear (adidas trackies which provide more movement in the hips when on the dancefloor shuffling), hairstyle (often spiked up so they look "fully sick" and often wear a cap (playboy or adidas or vondutch)on the top of the spiky hair) and last but not least, you can tell by seeing what their email address is as its often "italianstallionsexybeast@hotmail.com" or a "italia.adidas.trackies.my.bella.is.gorgeous.uleh.im.fully.sick.sexy.lebo.at.shoppo@hotmail.com"

In conclusion, when you do see a muzza, don't be afraid to approach it and call it a fag and abuse it as much as you want.
Alex: "Hey bro Scarn-on uleh?"
John-Nee: "hey im good what about you?"
Alex: "yeh re, I've been fully sick uleh, hey by the way bro this is my bella, her name is princess uleh"
John-Nee: "hey nice to meet you princess"
Princess: "hey nice to meet you too,how hot is my alex hes quite the sexy uleh boy i love him so much he's gorjuzzzzzzzz omg, hes so hot, i get so turned on when he shuffles, its so erotic"
*John-Nee slowly backs away*
Alex: "hey mate u wanna a ciggie uleh?"
John-Nee: "no i dont smoke thanks anyway"

Princess: "Oh mahh gawdd gorjuzz gimme a puff i havent had one since 5 min ago, im so craving one gorjuzz"

*princess takes a smoke of alex's ciggie*

Princess: "Oh mah gawddd its so yum uleh"

Alex: "hey bro uleh, me and my bella maria are gonna go shoppo to buy trackies...you wanna come uleh? It will be fully hektick re"

John-Nee: "Nah im alright thanks"

Princess: "Ye and my gorjuzz baby sex is taking me clubbing and having dinnerwth the rest of the boys at bell st maccas uleh"

John-Nee runs off, still regretting on how he had manage to speak to a muzza and his pumpkin gf for 5 min.

by jn1991 July 23, 2008
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A muzza is a European decent male living in the area of Melbourne. They are also known as "wogs"
They work for uncle Nicko who is a concreter and spend most of their money on ring tones, the car, neon lights and generally anything that they think will impress strangers and chicks.

They only workout their upper-body (arms) and walk like they have packed their pants.
They inflate each others egos but can never talk enough about themselves and how much chicks love them.
They never refer to themselves as Australian even though they are born there and can often be heard saying "F&^%^* skips have no respect"
Their parents buy them houses and their mothers cook lasagnas for them until they are 30.
They are usually greasy and add to this by using excessive amounts of hair gel and not showering.
For fun they drive around in their "fully sick bro" skylines and maybe go to a club and drink purple water with a touch of vodca.
They think there european culture is superior even though they act like african americans as do most ethnic australians.
muzza says "sick wheels bro
nice hair bro, i'm getting mine like that on fursday
i could get any chick you know bro, chicks love wogs."

by azzaroni May 17, 2007
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generally someone half italian raised in australia, though these days many other europeans are claiming the title. they like to go the gym often and are obsessed with their car. they think they are gods gift to man and claim to know everyone. you can pick them out from the crowd usually from their hair, which is often short at the front and long at the back possessing a mullet or tail and in more cases than one are wearing adidas trackies.
johns parents are italian and spanish respectively and he resides in australia. john is a muzza.
by peterdimitri March 4, 2008
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