the term "langston mode" best know as acting like a african american male who is a gangster who acts like he his autism
broooooo im about go langston mode on the fo with my glock cause im black
by epic apple sauce April 1, 2019
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The phenomena where a fact based post is given negative comments or down voted because:

1. It wasn't funny
2. It contradicts funny yet wrong posts
3. The post writer isn't as well known on the forum as other

incorrect posters.
4. Readers don't like the facts the post writer presented

These happens despite the fact the post writer's answer being verifiable as correct.
The Langston Effect is apparent on UD in the definitions of zipperhead and dubstep amongst others. See also almost anything on yahoo answers.
by namekman April 21, 2012
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A Northern Virginia Middle school known for its abundant ghetto-fabulousness, high cracker percentile, and former employment of a pedophile.
Our vice principle kisses pigs for money...
by Niatch May 31, 2005
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Small middle school in Northern Virginia. Reknowned for it's prostitute ring of 1998 and constant fires starting in lockers. Crazy lunch ladies. Little kids get beat up by high schoolers nextdoor. Place where Justin Doo was made fun of because he was always beat in arm wrestling.
-Ms. O'Banner
by Sir Bat River February 25, 2005
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A crunk ass University located in Langston, Oklahoma. School colors are orange and blue, and the mascot is the lion. Nicknamed L.U. or the LU. And its also a historically black college, also known as an HBCU.
"When I get in college i`m going to Langston University cuz they the crunkest, and has the best band.
by Dat Nigga Ryan August 3, 2003
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The coolest dude on the planet. Will never curse because he is able to perfectly convey his every thought with elegant words. A man of mystery who keeps to himself but is the bomb-digity around his friends. Also a great kisser???
That dude is such a Kyle Langston. You gotta be friends with him
by Theudkskd June 2, 2021
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