Brothel; whorehouse; a building where prostitutes live and work. Women work in brothels where they trade sexual acts for money.

In Nevada, where sex work is legal, there are lots of kittle-hoosies. Much of the time they are run by families such as a dad and son, man and wife, etc...
The prostitutes at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch kittle-hoosie, in Nevada, are high-class. The girls at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch kittle-hoosie in Nevada are the best whores in the country!
The kittle-hoosie is in the red-light district in Boston.
by Mady Poppy September 14, 2021
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An Exeter university tradition in which a visitor to the uni must snort drugs out of a prostitutes arsehole to gain social acceptance.
Student 1: Hey have you heard from pete recently?
Student 2: Nah he hasn’t spoken to me since I made him do at kittle lip down at university.

Yeah I heard he has PTSD now.
by Poonpounder99 November 10, 2018
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The act of deliberately elongating an already overlong and dull story by asking obtuse questions regarding the minutiae of said story.
Dull man; So I was wandering down the street an...
Kittle-picturer; How fast were you walking?
Dull man; Erm...I don't know, walking speed..anyway I was walking down the stree..
Kittle-picturer; Was the street busy? Were you on the pavement or in the road?
Dull man; don't want to hear the story do you?...are you kittle-picturing?
by spider monkey May 19, 2009
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Kittl is an person who's sad,but has a lotta of friends. They're/It's/She's/He's also a funny,caring person who likes to be scared
Someone: That girl is so Kittl!
Their friend; Ikr!
by nutellaisnutella May 22, 2021
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A unit of measurement for the essay ranging from 300-500 words.
Person 1: "Dude, my term paper is due in five hours!"
Person 2: "Woah, how long does it have to be?"
Person 1: "Are we speaking in terms of The Kittle?"
Person 2: "Yes"
Person 1: "Like 5-6 Kittles!"
Person 2: "Dude, you're screwed."
by RustyTang December 11, 2010
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