person 1: kazuha is so sexy
person 2: fr
by .nthuad November 14, 2022
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the finest man alive, like oh my god forget tomo kazuha i’ll make you happy😍 and i won’t die either 😩 bro i’d give him the best head ever
“hey have you heard of kazuha” “oh yea ik him he’s in my bed rn”
by scarabooobs March 11, 2022
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kazuha is the sexiest character in genshin end of story

kazuha is hot
by yonizuha April 15, 2022
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a kind-hearted wandering samurai from inazuma, also shikanoin heizou's boyfriend - and my boyfriend. he has two hands for a reason.
kazuha is so amazing and incredible and perfect he can literally do no wrong
by cloudiiskyzz November 3, 2022
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A kazuha is a form of a spirit that arises from Mongolian folklore, as the nomadic cattle groups that live in the arid steppes of the region recall many encounters with this god.

The god known as kazuha is a widespread belief though the entirety of East Asia, however the belief and religion is most prevalent in the modern day nation of Mongolia.

Kazuha is believed to be a son of Gengis Khan and is supposed to be the god of the regions, he takes cares of the local ecosystem and punishes those who disrupt it, usually in the form of cursing you in never obtaining a character in wish again.

While few details are known about Kazuha, we do know that he is most likely a male with a strong body, with white hair and a red streak. Most other information about Kazuha is unknown nor accurate/confirmed.

Common forms of praying or honoring Kazuha is to be a good person and to be horny at any period of time. You also have to be deemed “hot” or “cute” for further blessing, as some regions of Mongolia believe.

Mongolia is the only nation that has Kazuha as a form of identity for its nation. Most people celebrate the sixty-ninth day of the year praying for him, with all form of economic activity being halted.
The lord Kazuha comes at dawn, preaching his blessing to the animals and the people of Mongolia. We shall respect him for his great duties to our land.
by Mongolia June 1, 2021
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Smexy af anemo man wich makes you want to cum in 3sec.
I wonder how he put the wet status in real life humans even thought he is anemo.(not to me obviously😏)
by KazuhaDick June 4, 2022
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the prettiest anemo boy in genshin impact. he got exiled from his own nation but everyone makes mistakes <3
“are you excited for kaedehara kazuha’s banner?”
by kea/kazuhamybeloved June 2, 2021
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