A particularly irritating poser who also is an avowed fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Put simply, a brony that's also a jabroni.
Man, Cole's such a jabrony, flaunting that stupid expensive Rainbow Dash figurine. Who cares?
by Xterra August 17, 2017
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An asshole. As in: “Look at this fucking asshole!”
Like, if you see someone riding down the middle of the street on a unicycle, naturally you’ll say “look at this fucking asshole.” That’s how you know, the fate feared by all, one worse than skinny ankles, that they’re a fucking jabroni.
“What’re you doing jabroni?”
“Look at this jabroni pouring his milk before the cereal
“Yo jabroni stop being a hoe”
...and renditions thereof
by jcgu July 9, 2018
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A punk/idiot. Someone who you try to avoid. Someone with no redeeming qualities.
Oh hey look it's Pauly c! What a jabroni. We should probably leave.
by Ct860 December 11, 2013
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Jabroni is really an Italian profanity. It is slang for "ass hole" or "dumb ass"
hey you freakin "Jabroni" whats the matter with you?
by Brian atenco May 26, 2004
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Nicole Marsfelder
Nicole Marsfelder is a total fucking Jabroni.
by thotbreaker69 November 1, 2019
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Italian slang used in the show "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". Possibly used to insult a person for various reasons.
1. Charlie: "Just glide one puck just to get the hang of it."
Mac: "Gliding like a jabroni is what I'm gonna be doing."
2. Charlie: "You keep using this word 'jabroni'...and it's awesome!"
Mac: "Yeah I think it's some daigo word or something"
by Cmark6000 January 17, 2018
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