To have a large penis to gut-fuck your bum hole
Steve: Hung?
Leon: ish 7"
Steve: bye
by Lukatar October 1, 2018
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The morning after you've had 78 standard drinks, 8 pingers 3 fights and sex with an overweight person.
Faaaark mate, I am so hung today.
by Max Studman October 22, 2007
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When your tired but can't go to sleep because you did not masturbate
I'm tired Imma just go to sleep *turns off lights and tries to close eyes to sleep* (3 hours later and still is not sleep) Dang I mess be hung let me maturebate real quick (after finished sleeps like a baby)
by Donald ray June 24, 2016
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Very funny guy, can make everyone and anyone laugh. Great storyteller. Always up for fun and adventure. Very carefree and social. Loves the outdoors and getting his hands dirty. The best kind of guy to have a beer with. The perfect role model for sportsmanship and team work. Thinks democracy and capitalism have failed. Would rather work for his parents and help out his family, than work a real job and make money. Has more friends than most, his friends love him dearly, and he would do anything for them too. Has many fans, and is very approachable. Has a mean side, and can be very apathetic and cruel if you cross him. Difficult for him to forgive and forget. Women quickly fall for him, and fall hard. Known for being a bad boyfriend, unless he's in love; then he's very sweet, considerate, loving, affectionate and loyal. Whatever he's interested in, he's passionate about. Very smart, not an intellectual, but excels academically without having to work hard. Extremely sexy, effortlessly handsome, and always leaves me wanting more ;) I love you Angrynammer, lots very <3
Hung: "You guys want to have a Joes vs. Pros volleyball competition?"
Friend 1: "Sure man. So the guys who play in a competitive league are Pros? And the ones who don't, or have never played at all, are Joes?"
Hung: "Well, it's really quite simple. You 'Pros' aren't considered pro just because you excel at volleyball. You aren't getting paid or playing at a professional level, you could be downright shitty. But the fact is you are PROS at LIFE. You have husbands/wives, kids, diapers, mortgages, diapers, jobs, responsibilities, sanity, self dignity, intelligence, kids, diapers and more kids (on the way?) and of course each other as lifetime friends/partners/team mates. In any case, this is why I think you guys are Pros. Because if you take a look at us Joes, we really have a long way to go before we reach Pro status. Especially long if you are specifically comparing intelligence, dignity and sanity. I think I speak for the Joes when I say it's great that you Pros can compete and yell at each other and at times look as if you actually hate each other but then pull together and win. Just like in life." *shotguns beer*
by CrazyWhiteGirl June 27, 2012
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Tends to be a bit touchy, mainly towards the opposite gender. Often hated by women. Always turned down by females and have a horrible sense of humor. Very fobby and misleading. Usually a big loner that wants to be loved, in addition, get the thrill of enjoyment by touching feminine parts.
That grotesque attitude of his on that woman is like a hung
by Inyofaceduo October 24, 2011
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Hung : Shortened version of Hungry. Used by everyone who is cool enough. Hung Is the equivalent of Starving. Pronounced as if you are saying the word Lunge, But Replace the L with an H
Yo Im Dumb-Hung Right Now Son!
by This_Guy27 February 12, 2011
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A Hung is a type of person who loves to discuss, but they have such a low level of cleverness that they always seems stupid or retarded. Their disscusions often takes place on the internet on forums or usually in a private chat service such as Skype. Even though they fail miserably time and time again, they keep discussing, because they don't have the level of smartness to realise that they are never right.
The word can also be used as a verb, "Hunging" which means that you are discussing on the same level as a Hung.
The "Hung" likes to discuss football on skype, but he doesn't know anything about football.

He sucks at discussing, he is "hunging"!
by Hotfyr16 October 29, 2010
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