The art or practice of driving by someone’s mailbox, drenching it in a flammable gas, lighting it on fire then driving off.
by bbearhill March 24, 2018
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Microsoft's greatest contribution for non-bizniz customers.
Send it to my hotmail
by Gumba Gumba February 21, 2004
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probably the only thing microsoft has gotten close to doing right.
Dispite the fact that my hotmail account works like 6 out of 10 times and all i get is porn spam, its still better then the ISP e-mail account we have with outlook and all that crap.
by IrishRepublicanArmy January 2, 2004
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Hotmail despite what some jackass flamers have written is a very well organized 100% FREE email service and despite what some unnamed flamers have written Hotmail has 5GB of space which is infact nearly DOUBLE that of the shitty gmail which infact has 50% space rather than 1000% 0.o
so yeah stop flaming about hotmail... its not slow... it doesnt delete ur emails/accounts after a certain amount of time away from it. so there biznatch, suck my fat left testicle
Hotmail is teh pwnage it OWNZORS GMAIL... NOB HEAD
by konner vanderpal October 23, 2007
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a free e-mail service provider for extereme n00bs who are satisfied with only two mb of space, when gmail is offering more than 1000% percent of that.
hotmail is for pussies.
by Gunkglumb June 6, 2005
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Only thing Microshit...sry microsoft have got anything near decent.
"MSN Hotmail - Less Usefull Everyday"

Im sorry but I cant be the only one who gets pissed off when you try to go somewhere from just glad that ive got google serch instead.
by Zepth August 19, 2004
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