to spill or break a bottle of beer.
to spill any alcoholic beverage.
"Angus knocked over a whole beer, he's such a hodge."
"I got so hammered last night I hodged my beer."
by dobid March 21, 2009
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To be fucked (usually a female) in either a frenzied, horrific or violently passionate way. To be hodged is to be taken roughly and used in the most carnal ways imaginable. This however, is not an act of violence or of non-consensual sex, being hodged is an emotion-fueled and extremely physical experience often resulting in bruises, scratches and bite-marks.

It can also be applicable in rape-fantasy roleplay where the act of being taken without consent, within the confines of the fantasy only, is to be have been "hodged".
Shes definitely getting hodged later

Im pretty sure he hodged her last night
by garybiscuit March 31, 2011
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When Apple releases a new model of the computer you just bought a week (or earlier) after your purchase.
Jim: "Oh man, I bought my Macbook Pro last week and just today Apple released a newer updated model." *sadface*
Scott: "Dude, you totally got Hodged!"
Jim: "You're so right, Scott."
by svinkle September 5, 2008
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A complete tool; one with undiserved dillusions of grandeur; Hodges are very full of themselves, believing they possess non-existant traits of intelligence or skill; everyone knows and greatly dislikes at least one Hodge.
He thinks he's such a great artist because he can take a picture of a park bench, what a Hodge.
by DeepseaSmoker July 14, 2010
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<hohj> n. - one who relentlessly desires and consumes large quantities of unhealthy food
"Oh my God, you ate that whole pizza by yourself... fucking hodge!"

Brook ate a Grande Meal for breakfast because she's a hodge.
by nu2004 April 15, 2008
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AJ: hey I just got some g rock, but no hodge. You got one?

Gabby: only if you get me high.
by gabrcbr March 13, 2010
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Anyone who displays hodgelike qualities, such as getting angry for no reason and saying lame comebacks.
I told John today that I had sex with his mom. He got really angry and told me he had sex with my dad, he's such a hodge.
by mr. awesome12345678 April 14, 2009
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