1; The sweetest coolest person you'll ever meet. You dont know how you found him, or rather how you got so lucky that he found you. You know deep down that it mustve been a gift from whatever godly being exists out there because no one has made you feel as happy and as loved. A Harlequin is empathetic, comforting and loving, however he also is anxious and has a fair attitude. Harlequins are usually very attractive and deserve appreciation and hugs. The true definition of a good person

2; haha funee harley quinn batmon
Hes named Harlequin, hes super nice for no reason
by Leah_Marie January 14, 2023
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emo word that girls use alot
means satens angel or in that type of thing
emo girl: i'm a total harequin
chav boy: ya what
emo boy: harlequin, hmmm nice
by hopingx4xhavoc June 21, 2006
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Harlequin is the fairy king. He has a little sister named, Elaine. Harlequin has a crush on giant girl, Diane. Harlequin's weapon is chastifol.
1. Harlequin protects Diane no matter what!
by Smol_Tater May 18, 2020
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A harlequin is a clown or buffoon, meaning the boys are raging with hormones and the girls are fools who give them what they want.
"so testosterone boys and harlequin girls, will you dance to this beat and hold a lover close?"
by ----Anon---- July 27, 2006
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Harlequin Fetus is a disease. I'm not even going to go into it much, just know that it's TERRIBLE. No, I am not shitting you or pulling your ball sack on this one. I'm talking TERRIBLE TERRIBLE. Terrible to be born with and even worse to live with.

I'm also not going to tell you not to Google search it, that's your own dumbass decision to make, but let me tell you now, those images are very, very scary. Want a description? Babies born with Harlequin Fetus look like aliens or mutated babies with burnt, cracked skin and red globular eyes. SOLID red eyes. I would like to say that plenty people have survived it, but many haven't. THIS IS NOT A DAMN JOKE. IT IS NOT FUNNY. IT IS PAINFUL, IT IS LIFE THREATENING, AND ANYONE WHO STILL BELIEVES IT'S KINDA FUNNY CAN GO LOOK UP THOSE IMAGES NOW.
A 14 year old girl, Hunter Steinitz, was born with Harlequin Ichthyosis. Everything about her is perfectly normal, except for her skin, which is bright red and very, very thick. She's lucky she was born alive.

Using Harlequin Fetus as a shock image to laugh at is cruel and disgusting, the work of idiots. Whoever actually did laugh at it can go shove a stick up their butt.
by The Pizza Delivery Girl January 29, 2013
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A poor, misunderstood soul often linked to by inconsiderate people in attempt to scare others. These people do not understand pain and that children born with such a disease are nothing to be made fun of and are humans just like them. Of course, the disease is upsetting to many, however, the agony that a harlequin fetus is cursed with is far worse than the shock anyone could receive from viewing an image of their suffering.
A harlequin fetus wouldn't want to scare you; it was born that way. You don't have control over the fact that you are born without a skin disease, so why should people blame it for that?
by Johno Bono August 27, 2005
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Also known as the Harlequin type ichthyosis, the most severe form of congenital ichthyosis.

The Harlequin Fetus is a baby born with unusually hardened keratin layer in fetal skin. This creates diamond shape scales instead of skin. The eyes, ears, mouth, and other appendages are also horribly contracted and deformed.

The scales limet the poor child's movement, and cracks where the skin folds. This takes away the skins main fuction; protection. Bacteria get into the skin, causing infections.

The term harlequin comes from both the baby's facial expression and the diamond-shaped pattern of the scales, which are caused by severe hyperkeratosis. 17th century entertainers known as jesters, or harlequins, wore costumes with diamond patterns on them, as well as a particular style of face paint. The features of the harlequin fetus mimic this stylized makeup, and their faces are often pulled tight into grim parodies of a clown's smile.

Survival is normally only hours.
The Harlequin Fetus is a very sad being. It makes me sad to see internet assholes posting its pictures in hoping to get frightened reactions from people.

There are plenty of goatse, tubgirl, and lemon party pics on the internet.
by Jimmithy October 20, 2004
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