A very tasty food which consists of beef, hamburger buns, and a wide variety of toppings incuding, but not limited to: Mustard, Ketchup, Pickles, BBQ, Bacon, Lettuce, Onion. The best hamburgers can be found at bars or are homeade.

You can find fake, nasty hamburgers at many fast food places.
Burger King...more like King of fake burgers! Bob's Bar in the small town of Smallville has the states best hamburgers!
by Meijer's! September 20, 2005
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A penis trick in which you fold your dingy between and under your beanbag. Proceed to hold it there and twist the entire unit as a whole. Now your dingy should be between your balls in the horizontal position. If done right the outcome will strikingly resemble a hamburger. Comes with a sesame seed bun.
by the one and only brad January 23, 2004
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when you stick hamburgers into random peoples mail boxes.
megan: kayla, what did you get in the mail today?
kayla: a steeming hot hamburger!! : i think someone is hamburgering me
by kool-whip June 7, 2009
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(n.) a recently-given hickey; coined for its distinct raw, meaty look.
Guy 1- "Nice hamburger, broseph."
Guy 2- "Yeah. She was real hongry!"
by Da Sperminator January 23, 2011
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A sandwich that wanted to be cool so it took steroids and became the super delicious massive pile of awesome that many humans eat to this very day.
Man I just ate the best hamburger.
by ChocolateFungi August 19, 2014
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a burger that rarely, if any, contains ham.
hamburger, more like a processed-burger.
by english___p October 10, 2006
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