a kids nickname, means "awsome kid" and "kid thats good in bed"
hey Griff, whats up?
Yeah im going to the movies with Griff later.
by Griff March 24, 2003
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A welsh born, IT spod that emmigrated to Canada; A tendency to drink too much at weddings then be found in the hotel corridors puking with his crank hanging out. Knows a lot about a lot of things, cool parents and has a chronic addiction to Keith's. Hangs a lot with fotsa. All around good shit and among me best mates.
Me: Griff, I need help with my computer, a case of Keith's and by the way, are all Welshie's coal miners?
Griff: Aye, fuck-off cunto.
by scott June 4, 2004
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A griffe is someone of mixed Black African and Native Americans heritage. A lot of times we get confused with the Mulattos. But we are not Mulatto!
Hasapa hemacha/Lakhota.
"That boy's a proud Griffe!"
"No, he's Mulatto!"
"Oh, I thought they were the same?"
by Quickdraw 22-12 December 3, 2004
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a black person who is partially or half native american. (Has nothing to do with being mulatto)
I am a griffe.

A lot of african americans are griffes.
by kandygrl7 July 2, 2009
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"he's not completely black, he's only a griff"
by valerie October 29, 2004
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One who has "music ADD"
-Look at that Griff. Ten minutes ago he was singing The Clash, then Warrent, and now Ok Go.
by robot_chicken37 December 3, 2006
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