Gasera ce te prepoznat po nike air max (95, 97, 98, 720, 270...) nike crnom kacketu i ponekad napapirja jakni. Oni govore uzrecice "resi", "ide gas", "tebra", "rega". Neki puse cigare, a neki piju energy drinks. Najcesce slusaju Jalu Brata i Bubu Corelia. Poznati su po flexanju. Flexanje je kao kul hvaljenje.
by Gaser iz BiH June 21, 2020
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Someone who thinks they're cool but is really just a wuss and has daddy issues. Mostly come from Balkan countries.
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Usualy a kid that says phrases like: "Ide gas", "Gas", "reši" itd. Wears Nike, Adidas or any other famoues brand. And of course to be a "gaser" you need to be subscribed to Baka Prase.
Person 1: My grandma dies today.
Gaser: Lmaoo ide gas, reši baku.
by Jurki August 19, 2021
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Retarded kid who thinks hes tought by wearing nike tracksuits and air max shoes most of the time fake. They think they look hot to girls but they actually arent at all.
Theres a gaser dont mess with him.
by VukanD July 20, 2020
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A sprint for 50 yards and back twice.
"Thats a gaser!"
"If you dont learn your plays we will run gasers until i get tired!"
"Coach said were runnin 50 gasers"
by Yo Boy, The Snake January 21, 2008
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retarded kid who thinks he’s tough and cool
{very very retarded}
mentally sick 100% checked
Wow did you see this guy?
- He looks like he is on drugs
Yea thats probably a gaser
by i hate e-girls March 1, 2020
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"Vladar gasa? Misliš zraka?"
"Ne. Gasa." - gaser
by gaser69 October 4, 2020
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